posted by davidt on Wednesday August 23 2006, @12:00PM
Uncleskinny writes:
As Mishima pointed out below, there's a short review of the Stafford gig, and a brief Q&A. New material, eh? Also, there's a huge full page ad for "In The Future...", the bottom section of which is put over to Kristeen Young - "Morrissey proudly presents debut single from Kristeen Young.."

Text of article and interview posted in the forums.
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  • This, of course, is splendid news - as to when it should be released, well, 2008 perhaps - give Moz chance to really work on the songs.

    On the other hand, M's comments about the work "being identifiable as me" and "why should I change now?" are slightly dispiriting. So, another indie pop record in the vein of Maladjusted, Quarry and ROTT? This story is getting old, but it goes on.

    Personally, I hope for something subdued, spartan - lots of piano and acoustic guitar and a stark production, but tempered with Morrissey's pop smarts. That could be truly lovely.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday August 23 2006, @12:19PM (#232696)
  • What's wrong with ya scanner these days?
    Anonymous -- Wednesday August 23 2006, @12:30PM (#232699)
    • Re:Skinny? by uncleskinny (Score:1) Wednesday August 23 2006, @01:00PM
  • Is this the issue with Arctic Monkeys on the cover please? If so, we should get this in USA in, oh, around October.
    Lon -- Wednesday August 23 2006, @12:34PM (#232700)
    (User #121 Info)
  • The request to text blah blah blah, was cringeworthy to the extreme. It hit home what he's become. Sadly..
    Anonymous -- Wednesday August 23 2006, @06:26PM (#232745)
  • Did anyone else notice that he quotes a Sundays' lyric in this interview? If Morrissey had written "Can't Be Sure", it'd be hailed as a classic.
    ATLpunk -- Wednesday August 23 2006, @10:06PM (#232757)
    (User #13585 Info)
  • Is he more likely to get an airplay if the single does very well in charts? Or it is not connected in any way? Just don't know how these things work.
    I don't give a shit about charts (however I don't mind texting the number on the screen if it makes the man happy) but he needs to be on the radio.
    Anonymous -- Thursday August 24 2006, @04:02AM (#232785)

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