posted by davidt on Saturday February 02 2008, @01:00PM
torr sends the link:

Morrissey - That’s How People Grow Up -

Morrissey already has a Greatest Hits album out – it’s called ‘The Queen Is Dead’ – but here’s the lead single from the forthcoming ‘Greatest Hits Off His Last Two Albums, “Viva Hate” And A Few Others’ collection. ‘That’s How People Grow Up’ sees Moz in an unusually chirpy mood, letting a scary opera lady wail away while he sings about how he broke his back in a car crash. Tune-wise it’s not exactly a career high-point, but thematically Morrissey seems to be suggesting that maturity can only be achieved by experiencing struggle. Using this theory we’ve worked out that Moz is roughly 469 years old.
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  • Swallowneck has read this review, considered the text within and states it is only useful for toilet paper if he was to ever unexpectedly run out prior to his Thursday night "big shop"!
    MarkFromScatter -- Saturday February 02 2008, @01:15PM (#293941)
    (User #16900 Info)
    If you don't like me, don't look at me...
  • Actually, Moz will be 350 years old on his next birthday (that's in dawg years) ;P

    And "...letting a scary opera lady wail away..." Even a short article brings added diss to this car crash of a song.
    Corrissey -- Saturday February 02 2008, @01:27PM (#293948)
    (User #18538 Info)
    Here you'll find my thoughts and I
  • "He sings about how he broke his back in a car crash" I didn't know that was what the song was about. I guess Morrissey is still not allowed to sing about other people.
    Anonymous -- Saturday February 02 2008, @01:59PM (#293957)
    • Re:Car Crash? by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday February 02 2008, @04:14PM
      • Re:Car Crash? by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday February 02 2008, @04:50PM
        • Re:Car Crash? by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday February 02 2008, @07:43PM
      • Re:Car Crash? by boredhousewife (Score:1) Saturday February 02 2008, @05:16PM
  • Is it actually possible for the NME to write a review without a subtext now?
    boredhousewife -- Saturday February 02 2008, @05:14PM (#294000)
    (User #13144 Info)
  • So Morrissey is using all the imagery from his Vauxhall days..the photos by Jake Walters-

    This shot, The Swimming Pool Shot and The closed eyes "peaceful reflective" shot-

    He was 36 years old then, now he is what, 48?

    The new single should be called "Thats How People Grow Up, Except in The Public Image" lol-

    I wish he would use current shots, I like the look of the weathered speaks to experience and portrays the wisdom accrued...

    giant -- Saturday February 02 2008, @05:53PM (#294012)
    (User #430 Info)
    I Like You
  • I mean Im no big fan of the new single myself (its not amazing lets face it), but I think we all knew the Toilet roll weekly (AKA the NME) was never going to favour the Mozsters latest outings...I suspect this is a flavour of what is to come when the actual new album is released later this year!Infact I guarantee it.....
    Anonymous -- Saturday February 02 2008, @07:00PM (#294018)
  • Morrissey already has a Greatest Hits album out – it’s called ‘The Queen Is Dead’
    coincidentaly wasnt it round that time that anybody last took the nme seriously.
    Anonymous -- Sunday February 03 2008, @05:10AM (#294030)
  • the new single is a hell of a lot better than the last four, and the next is even better, go mozz, your lyrics have pulled me through my life, you are without doubt the finest lyric writer without even really trying, played east west today, extra track on oujia good is that song, goodnight and thankyou morrissey, fuck the rest of you on site more lke fulloshit
    Anonymous -- Sunday February 03 2008, @11:43AM (#294040)
  • It's not the mauling most of us will have expected, considering what has gone before. Maybe their strategy is to act like nothing has happened so that when Moz hauls them over the coals in front of a judge they can go, "What? Me sir? I've been nothing but nice to him". However they clearly didn't bother to give any thought towards the review. Isn't the operatic wailing Kristeen Young? And the lazy sweeping assumptions about the content and meaning make the reviewer sound like he's writing for the year 11 media mocks.

    Were I 'trying' to review this single objectively, I would agree that, musically, it's nothing spectacular, but in comparison to some of ROTT, it's definitely better single material. It's very catchy, and the lyrics, whilst not throwing the media and fans into frenzied accusation / speculation, do stand a cut above the usual pop fare of "Baby, I love you / I went to a party in tight trousers, got hammered and shagged a girl wearing a trilby / Don't leave me sobbing in my bachelor pad to ambient jazz / Cars, girls, diamonds, cars, more girls, drugs / check out my 80's sample over repetitive dance beat.

    So anyway, whist not super classic literary referencing Morrissey, a good pop song with trademark depth. What's better than a metaphorical car crash? Once it signified undying love (TIALTNGO) now it's the wake up call he needs to say, sod love, at least I'm alive.
    Mozzersgirl -- Sunday February 03 2008, @12:04PM (#294050)
    (User #14229 Info)
    "There's more evil in the charts than in an al-Qaeda suggestion box" - Bill Bailey
  • Really? That passes for a review of a song? I could write a better review by using one of those things where you have magnetic words on a refrigerator.
    JoeyfromIndy -- Sunday February 03 2008, @09:52PM (#294147)
    (User #19878 Info)
  • The NME should stick to writing about new young bands, with skinny jeans, and bad hairstyles. It's all they know, It's all they understand. To make such a flippant remark as 'The Queen Is Dead / Greatest Hits' one is complete ignorance on their part, and they should be ashamed. The truth is they probably don't even know what The Queen Is Dead sounds like, but they know it's often voted in the 'Best ever albums' lists (which incidently, Vauxhall & I should be as in truth it's a better album than The Queen,But you know ... nostalgia and the hype surrounding the Smiths..rant rant, etc etc)Anyway...does anyone actually read the NME anymore? Thought not.
    Nat Coutty -- Monday February 04 2008, @02:58AM (#294165)
    (User #20629 Info)
  • I think the lady in question is Kristeen Young she is credited on the single.
    Kaymozzerfan -- Monday February 04 2008, @04:31AM (#294173)
    (User #16622 Info)
    There is a light that truly never goes out!
  • I don't know why everyone is so down on this song, I think it is genius. Ok, the lyrics are fairly trite and have been done to death in the past, but it has the catchiest chorus I have heard for a long, long time.
    sunnyday -- Monday February 04 2008, @10:00AM (#294213)
    (User #20556 Info)

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