posted by davidt on Sunday February 17 2008, @02:20PM
Graham writes:
Morrissey's Greatest Hits Album entered the UK Album Chart at No. 5 with other new entries including Michael Jackson's "Thriller 25" entering at No.3 and One Night Only's "Started A Fire" entering at No. 10.
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  • OK it's not #1, but not bad at all.
    Our boy still has it, at least this week!
    Anonymous -- Sunday February 17 2008, @02:27PM (#296555)
  • Number 5 is not bad at all!
    Well done Morrissey!
    Anonymous -- Sunday February 17 2008, @02:36PM (#296558)
  • The single has dropped to #36. Ouch!
    Anonymous -- Sunday February 17 2008, @02:38PM (#296559)
  • congrats mozi.
    Anonymous -- Sunday February 17 2008, @02:40PM (#296560)
  • Morrissey & Billy Fury together in the UK album chart. Legendary!
    Boxers71 -- Sunday February 17 2008, @02:54PM (#296564)
    (User #20608 Info)
    • Re:Billy Fury by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday February 18 2008, @02:08PM
  • No 5 ain't bad, but Swallowneck had a much higher "new" entry today!!!

    Yes, he met a frisky young buck in the beer garden of the Turk's Head in Sewersby Bridge (still open, thank the lord!) and went back to "his place", which was on the top floor of a grotty looking block of flats.

    For those who care about the finer details Swallowneck entered him whilst gazing out of the grubby window, his gaze fixed on the rolling Yorkshire hills way yonder...
    MarkFromScatter -- Sunday February 17 2008, @02:58PM (#296566)
    (User #16900 Info)
    If you don't like me, don't look at me...
  • Well done Morrissey!!
    Anonymous -- Sunday February 17 2008, @03:48PM (#296578)
  • Well done, Mozzer. There is no argument with success.

    I suppose special thanks should go to Quan-dick's disgusting "review" in Word. His personal attack of the man did nothing other than play right into Morrissey's hand and convinced some on-the-fence musos to check out the compilation, if only to see just what's all the fuss about.

    That, along with some good old-fashion spite from the diehards of Quannick's generation thrown in just for fun. :D
    mozmic_dancer -- Sunday February 17 2008, @03:48PM (#296579)
    (User #11277 Info)
    "I am the fun and the fair, on a Mozsite for the criminally insane..."
  • This is awesome-completely awesome, getting to #5. I knew it though. I can only imagine what Morrissey’s new record is going to be. I’d venture to say it shall skyrocket to #1. My visions regarding Morrissey and his future are proving to be right-again.
    So to you manufactured misfits, penny for your thoughts now ...

    To the empty-headed Quandick-Rest in Piece.
    Kate2828 -- Sunday February 17 2008, @03:58PM (#296580)
    (User #12664 Info |
  • Compilation albums are normally slow but stable sellers so let's hope this one hangs around the Top 20 albums for a good few weeks.
    No #1 is very good!
    Anonymous -- Sunday February 17 2008, @04:05PM (#296582)
  • I didn't think it would get this high. With all of the bad press he's gotten as of late and the fact that the singles was #14, it looks like a good showing. Much better than I expected.
    Anonymous -- Sunday February 17 2008, @05:43PM (#296585)
  • Well, it's good for Morrissey's bank account, and truth be told, there are lots of good songs on the CD. It's just that they're all from his last 2 records. Now that the US is heading into recession, I'm being frugal, and I'll pass on buying this CD. If I can download the 2 new tracks on iTunes or Amazon, great. But in the age of the iPod, there's no reason for me to buy multiple copies of the same songs. Seriously bad value for money - it makes "The World of Morrissey" seem perfection itself.

    Off-topic, I can't understand why "Ringleader" gets attacked. Except for "On the Streets I Ran" and "I Just Want to See the Boy Happy", I loved it all - especially "At Last I Am Born". Years from now everyone will act like they knew it was a special album all along.
    sadlad -- Monday February 18 2008, @01:58AM (#296596)
    (User #5434 Info)
  • Went to 2 record shops last week and could not find the GH and single (sold out), but I finally have it in my eager fingers today (erh, yesterday)

    I'm so delighted at the purple! Very beautiful. Title design very understated, to the point of disappearing so all you see is Moz himself (and his sensuous pores :). It's very interesting to compare this side-by-side with the "Everyday Is Like Sunday" (first solo?) single. Mindfully done, I think.

    CD designed as mini-record discs (for the single and the collection) are very cute imo. I really hope the singles (or anything that will contain DVD footage) will be released domestically in the States b/c the coding for the English import doesn't seem compatible (my player only reads it as an audio file...unless that's all it is? The label on the plastic says "Music & DVD"). Interestingly there is more etched into the GH cd than the LP: "We Are Your Thoughts" vs. an enigmatic "Francis". Nice touch to put it on the cd. As for "Francis"?...discuss...!

    Love the new logo. It's on the purple ladies shirts sold at the recent shows across the pond.

    ok, the Butt photo, yep, it's there. If you get the LP, I would say it's nearly to scale (upon comparing it with my hips...ok, tmi). Boy, does Moz have a hairy butt!!! Are all Northern boys like that?? ;) And no, it is not (for better or worse) scratch n' sniff, haha!! All I can say is, 'Moz, you kinky fool!' ;)

    The photo of the Boyz or "The Players"...yum-yum! At last, I can throw my arms around all of them at once! (ok, most of them are probably taken, but at least those of us who want to can fantasize and envy). The wardrobe, well, I think they're all done with a bit of humour. To me, it makes their individual personalities come out even more onstage. "I love a man in a uniform..."

    The new single sounds really awesome. Indie 103.1 FM in LA is playing it now (keep requesting it peoples!). There really are more subtleties captured in the studio version (that at least I didn't catch live). The recording overall rocks out!

    I'll be glad to take a listen to the GH after some zzz's. On looking at it, track to track it seems to be a nice blend/progression of the songs. Looking forward to downloading/ordering the Roundhouse tracks to see what was recorded from there, too.

    After this, saving my pennies till fall...
    romeogirl -- Monday February 18 2008, @02:43AM (#296600)
    (User #2891 Info)
  • The popularity of this release has genuinely surprised me, considering that it's a compilation and it's been slagged to high heaven. Morrissey's career is healthier than at any other time I can recall. I've been listening to his recent releases again, just to check that I'm not deluded -well all this negativity can put doubts into one's head- and I'm glad to say that to me, Morrissey sounds as good as he ever has, if not better! Yamaha
    Anonymous -- Monday February 18 2008, @04:20AM (#296608)
    • Re:Surprised by Jammy Poet (Score:1) Monday February 18 2008, @05:18AM
    • Re:Surprised by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday February 18 2008, @07:26AM
      • Re:Surprised by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday February 18 2008, @11:59AM
    • Re:Surprised by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday February 19 2008, @03:28AM
      • Re:Surprised by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday February 19 2008, @07:38AM
  • #5 is pretty good considering that has the 2cd edition listed as £22.99 now available for £14.99, while in the shop it was £18.99.

    As much as I love Morrissey's music I couldn't bring myself to pay £19 -1p for one extra track and a live disc. I'll be waiting until it comes down in price.

    I imagine that most of the copies sold last week would have been the 'limited' edition.

    How much did you pay?
    Anonymous -- Monday February 18 2008, @04:43AM (#296611)
  • considering it was really skewed towards his last two albums which sold well, meaning most of the songs people already had.It also contained a few obscure choices.

      How many people bought it just for the picture of his arse........
    Anonymous -- Monday February 18 2008, @05:41AM (#296617)
  • I suspect that the album will drop quite rapidly from the charts (often the way with the Moz), but nonetheless, number 5 is good for a record that has songs most people already own. A lot higher than i thought it would reach. I notice the single has entered the download charts at 34
    Moz fans are sensible people who want the CD/Vinyl in their hands...not this shoddy download nonsense
    Nat Coutty -- Monday February 18 2008, @05:52AM (#296618)
    (User #20629 Info)
  • but i'm shocked to see 'Thriller' re-enter at 3! I thought everyone in the uk had woken up to the fact Jacko is a child molesting tosser. Ok so he was found innocent, but of course he was with the money spent on his defence, he was bound to get was in the USA remember! Whatever next? Gary Glitter back in at number 2...
    Not only that but Thriller is such a terrible record anyway. Completely over rated crap for people who don't like music.
    Nat Coutty -- Monday February 18 2008, @05:58AM (#296619)
    (User #20629 Info)
  • And next week, number 25. The week after … 75. The last gasp of a dying man? Think about it: The stupefying U.S tour. The lazy, unimaginative set lists. The force fed dirge of‘’At Last I Am Born” night after night. The cancelled shows. The ‘couldn’t be arsed’ shows … (was I the only poor sod at San Diego?) The Hollywood plumbing mystery. The Roundhouse fiasco. The sonic assault of ‘direct from Central Casting’ alt rent-a-rockers Matt and Solomon Walker and Jesse Too Bad. The excommunication of Kristen Young. The ‘for completists only’ ‘Greatest Hits'. The truly shocking record company site begging the fan base to er, ‘defeat the crashing bores’. The lyrically lame and musically tepid THPGU, complete with auto edit video. The vintage artwork. That photograph. The tantrum with NME. The bogus legal action. Merk’s management. A truly horrifying performance on Jools Holland with Moz gurning and mugging his way through three instantly unmemorable songs. These are the facts my friends and they can’t be spun … Morrissey is finished as an artiste with anything valuable or indeed interesting to say. Content with a band that should be playing sound a likes for TV commercials at best. Content with flogging his ‘Greatest Hits’. Content with mediocrity. Content with, quite literally, pimping his arse to record company exec’s and promoters who didn’t know who he was five years ago.
    Anonymous -- Monday February 18 2008, @06:59AM (#296620)
  • Am I alone in being as disappointed with the chart placing as I am with the tracklisting?
    What is Moz thinking of, putting this out? The running length alone is derisory, and the tracklisting is bizarre. Thought that we'd all rush out though and snap up multiple copies, but number 5 is a bit of a let down. My vinyl copy arrived today and the sleeve is gorgeous, a bit of dodgy printing to the rear (like the CD), but well worth the money for the arse pic alone. What on earth is the explanation for the miserable 15 tracks? Is this some record company construct? The heavy inclusion of songs from Quarry and Ringleader (and the shocking Redondo) can only have put all but the loyal Moz fan off. The nicest thing about this Top 5 smash hit is the beautiful sleeve. Better sleeve notes would have been nice, some lyrics. And the printing is pretty bad - I had to take my copy back for another as the print was unreadable. Anyone else had this problem? Has anyone any clue yet as to what the special release is? Can't wait!
    mozzerlad -- Monday February 18 2008, @12:11PM (#296656)
    (User #20939 Info)
  • this release is ONLY available in the UK

    so people from all over the world are buying the UK version

    im sure the same cant be said of many of the other albums
    Anonymous -- Monday February 18 2008, @12:39PM (#296661)
  • Considering a lot of less ardent fans wouldn't have bought this album, for the simple reason that they have the songs already, then this is a damn good chart position.
    I would hope by now though that Moz had learned to ignore chart positions. They ceased to mean anything somewhere after 1985. Still, it's a good feeling, being a fan, to see he's getting success despite certain sneering factions of the media. It appears the time is now for Morrissey bashing. May I predict that, come the summer, they'll all love him again and say how wonderful his new album is before they've even heard a note.
    Mozzersgirl -- Monday February 18 2008, @03:31PM (#296680)
    (User #14229 Info)
    "There's more evil in the charts than in an al-Qaeda suggestion box" - Bill Bailey
  • people actually went out and bought this?. lunacy
    Nathan R -- Monday February 18 2008, @03:33PM (#296682)
    (User #16023 Info)
    stop talking at the back there.
  • I went to the local HMV, ripped the alarm sticker off and nicked the Double CD. Dead easy.
    Anonymous -- Monday February 18 2008, @05:07PM (#296692)
  • To the “fans” who ripped this display of genius material, and the picture combined with it - you, you don’t even know what you are talking about.
    I’m going to speak to you plainly - as I see you’re not that bright. Pay attention please. To the ones maintaining that this number does not matter - coming from you -- that’s “almost” funny. Not really.
    What are you doing? Do you think this is about The Gong Show. Do you even remember The Gong Show. What’s your problem - and regarding Johnny Marr - yes, and he became so successful in everything he produced. He said “I wanted to become a part of it’’ - in his last interview, talking about being solo. He became a part of it all right. He is buying other people’s records in the record store, including all of Morrissey’s. And regarding Mike Gross, well he is all rested, all rested up - it’s not like he has anything else to do. And regarding Andy, whoooo ...
    Why are so many of you “fans” who keep persisting in mocking Morrissey’s band and Morrissey himself, why are you even on here ... You’ll never have power over Morrissey and I, I have Morrissey, who I love, I love soooo much.
    Kate2828 -- Monday February 18 2008, @05:10PM (#296693)
    (User #12664 Info |
  • told him yes oh no
    Anonymous -- Monday February 18 2008, @06:51PM (#296696)
  • I believe Morrissey making it to #5 is significant and very impressive. Especially given the poor reviews and general outcry on this site form everyone at it’s lack of quality. Shows many do disagree.
    And of course it is significant as without record sales (and a records chart # is indicative of that), Morrissey may again find himself without a record label (if his new album also didn’t place high on these meaningless charts) and then guess what perhaps, no new records for awhile, no tours. So yes clearly record sales mean nothing even beyond the fact they obviously are of significance to Morrissey which should have some meaning to those who actually care for him and his music. I realize that type is in the minority here on .

    Perhaps the record might have been higher if it had been offered for sale in the abandoned building where many of you reside. Or if it came with an inflatable arse, instead of just a picture, for you to pass out on when you trip down the stair in your lithium haze. Or if they accepted empty prescription bottles and used needles at the local record shop, imagine how many of you might have then been able to obtain it.
    You rodents are a disgrace, if this album charted at #55 you would have all tossed aside the liquor bottle, stopping hiding the empty vials in your anus cause you keep thinking the local constable is at your door, climbed out from beneath your sofa where you crawled in pursuit of that last crouton you’d gotten from the soup kitchen last week and been on here gloating and rejoicing and saying “I told you so”.

    What’s the point of Morrissey even bothering for you dregs of unraveled mutants, you denizens of a mud shack. You don’t deserve to hear Morrissey, see him, be on the same earth as him, and the only interacting you truly deserve with him is when he peers into that spittoon you live in, opens his mouth and releases your well deserved greeting.

    So yes Morrissey is #5 here, one notch for each of the needle tracks on your arm, though one can only wish it was instead one notch for slits on your wrist in the hopes that, unlike elsewhere in the rest of your sad pointless life, in this you might have proven successful.
    Anonymous -- Monday February 18 2008, @07:16PM (#296699)

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