posted by davidt on Tuesday February 26 2008, @10:00AM
Jukebox Jury writes:
The 3rd Manchester v Cancer gig was held at the MEN Arena, Manchester on Saturday 23rd February.
At the end of the night, after the scheduled bands had played, for the finale, Badly Drawn Boy (aka Damon Gough) was joined on stage with Peter Hook (Joy Division / New Order), Andy Rourke and David Potts (Monaco) and a few other musicians and performed four songs - the first of which was The Smiths 'Please Please Please, Let Me Get What I Want', followed by a new Badly Drawn Boy song, then Joy Division's 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' (dedicated to Tony Wilson) and lastly, John Lennon's 'Instant Karma', where Northside's singer, Dermo, also joined them on stage to sing along too, which I was well chuffed with as I had got the bus down to the gig with Dermo and his girlfriend late afternoon! youtube link:

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  • awesome version. i hope these cats release an album. i know they were looking for a singer,guess they found one.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday February 26 2008, @10:41AM (#297224)
  • we resort to suicides anonymous?
    If anyones interested i have a few pamphlets left...only a few mind you

    The surplus can be found in the river mersey
    not a nice sight chucking yourself off the new brighton ferry but..needs must.....

    scouse git.I
    Anonymous -- Tuesday February 26 2008, @07:08PM (#297259)
  • Seriously
    I'm thinking of giving up one or the other

    I am only human after all

    Scouse too that scores me 15 points minus on the london scale of things

    Anonymous -- Tuesday February 26 2008, @08:09PM (#297261)
  • i am also a huge fan of badly drawn boy, so this clip made me quite happy. thanks very much!

    he also covered the smiths' "back to the old house", transitioning it into one of his own songs, at a concert i went to last year in nyc.
    here it is if you guys are interested:
    takemebacktoblighty -- Tuesday February 26 2008, @08:21PM (#297262)
    (User #19409 Info)
  • andy rourke looks like austin powers.
    fut -- Wednesday February 27 2008, @12:37AM (#297267)
    (User #401 Info |
  • What may that be, I hear some of you ask...

    Well, it would be a morning in bed with Mikey Farrell with a David Soul best of cd playing on the stereo and a bowl full of oranges on the table just waiting to be peeled.

    Pure simple, selfish pleasure!
    MarkFromScatter -- Wednesday February 27 2008, @03:49AM (#297275)
    (User #16900 Info)
    If you don't like me, don't look at me...
  • cheers for featuring it

    theres another of 'Love will tear us apart up there

    Shaun x
    Anonymous -- Wednesday February 27 2008, @02:04PM (#297318)
  • is there anybody left in showbiz with a respectable and dignified waist size below 33?
    Anonymous -- Friday February 29 2008, @10:36AM (#297494)

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