Recent content by RJ1981

  1. R

    London - O2 Academy Brixton (Aug. 7, 2011) post-show

    Well it's the morning after the night before, and though I had planned to write a long, detailed review of this gig I am just too tired... Nevertheless I do want to say that this was an absolutely stunning show - it was my 5th Moz gig and without a doubt my best so far. After so many weeks and...
  2. R

    Copenhagen - Operaen (July 11, 2011) post-show

    Just wanted to say that I started logging in regularly and posting occasionally about a month ago.... and dear God how I wish I hadn't. I feel like a part of me has died after a month of being exposed to this place. It us truly a depressing pit of despair, delusion and sickness. All I wanted...
  3. R

    Stoke-on-Trent - Victoria Hall (July 5, 2011) post-show

    I am absolutely squirming with jealousy reading about this tour! Please, please, please let the London dates be this good!
  4. R

    Billy Bragg: 'Moz doesn't need a record deal'

    Ha ha! I honestly didn't give the phrase "deeply entrenched in my mind" as much as thought as Anonymous clearly has! Just passing the time at work, offering an opinion... I shall take care to express my views in more neutral language in future. So, that was my third, maybe fourth post on this...
  5. R

    Billy Bragg: 'Moz doesn't need a record deal'

    I really hope that Morrissey is able to release his next album in the traditional way. I am no luddite, but since my first experience of buying a Morrissey album (I was 11 years old and bought Your Arsenal on cassette in HMV) buying each new album on release day and scurrying home for the very...
  6. R

    'f***' t-shirt worn by Morrissey and band in Bradford

    Having looked at this site on a very occasional basis for a few years, I've been logging in frequently recently because, as a frustrated southerner unable to get to any of the 2011 shows, it has helped me to keep connected to what's going on. It's nice to see setlists, gauge opinion and so on...
  7. R

    So...does ANYONE like the new songs?

    I'm very late commenting on this, only just in the process of converting from regular forum reader into occasional forum contributor... Anyway, for what it's worth (nothing), I think Action is my Middle Name is a very good song even though it is, as others have pointed out, structurally...
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