Recent content by The Alchemist

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  2. The Alchemist

    Morrissey Central "Rhino" (June 8, 2024)

    Yeah, it's okay by me.
  3. The Alchemist

    Morrissey Central "Rhino" (June 8, 2024)

    Re-issue! Re-package! Rhino-rebirth!
  4. The Alchemist

    Strange/unexpected Moz references?

    I like her eye of horus tattoo. Never seen one in red before. For anyone interested, who hasn't yet discovered its postulated links to the pineal gland / pituitary gland / third eye:
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  9. The Alchemist

    Morrissey Central "We Have All The Time In The World" (June 6, 2024)

    Love that. Poignant. I've always found memento mori's useful along the way. It's been noted that each song on Ringleader is a memento mori. Of course, much of M's other work could also be viewed as such. One memento mori that repeatedly springs to mind for me, is the phrase Et In Arcadia Ego...
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