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  1. Tottenham Tom

    Pre-Gig drinks in Edinburgh?

    Okay, here's the problem. With so many great pubs in Edinburgh - especially near the Playhouse - where would be the best pub to grab a few pre-gig drinks in February? The pre-gig choice before the Usher Hall gig a while ago was Shakespeare's on Lothian Road, but that's the other side of the...
  2. Tottenham Tom

    Adam and the Ants

    Was wondering if there were any other Adam and the Ants/Adam Ant fans use this board? I've been obsessed with Adam since I first heard him (despite the gaping mysical differences between the Adam and the Ants and Morrissey) Interesting to note that Adam is attempting a comeback of sorts soon...
  3. Tottenham Tom

    Ever had a bizzare dream featuring Moz?

    Has anybody else on the site ever had any dreams (bizzare or otherwise) featuring Morrissey? I had one years ago, where I dreamt I was on my way to one of his concerts (not sure where, you don't always recognise places in dreams for some reason) I was very late and the harder I tried to run...
  4. Tottenham Tom

    Greatest Hits/New Studio Album debate

    Following on from all the endless conjecture about the possible new album - not to mention the dubious but nevertheless interesting posts from individuals such as Roma De Moz (New Song Titles post below somewhere), it occurred to me that even though Morrissey's new album might actually be called...
  5. Tottenham Tom

    American Apparel

    I must say, I appear to be thoroughly enjoying the new banner ads for American Apparel on this site - very... ahem...colourful. ;) Such pretty people! *salivates wildly*
  6. Tottenham Tom

    Moz Greatest Hits CD Appreciation Thread

    Enough is enough... I for one would welcome a Greatist Hits compliation. The Suedehead one was ages ago and needs dramatically updating. The Best Of... was okay but also very old now. My Early Burgulary Years was really good - but it wasn't a greatest hits thing anyway - mostly harder to...
  7. Tottenham Tom

    Battle of the new songs!

    Okay, it's not worth a poll, but generally speaking, which of the two new songs do you prefer - "All You Need Is Me" or "That's How People Grow Up"? I'll start things of by saying that after hearing both only once, I preferred All You Need Is Me, but now that I've heard them a few times...
  8. Tottenham Tom

    Unreleased Moz songs - Definitive list?

    I'm hoping to compile a CD or ipod playlist for myself (and anyone who might want a copy) of all of Morrissey's unreleased songs. I need help forming an absolute definite list of all the songs he has recorded (live or studio) but that he has not yet released. Thing is, there are lots of...
  9. Tottenham Tom

    The title of Morrissey's next album?

    Okay, lets assume he's going to continue making albums... let's hear your imaginative/witty/appropriate/potential/ridiculous album titles. I'll start... (although they all suck!) 1. "A lifetime of under-acheivement" (This is a dig at the Brit/NME Awards) 2. "Questionable"...
  10. Tottenham Tom

    Does Morrissey eat cheese?

    I eat cheese. I love cheese in fact. I've always felt I ought to be a vegetarian - especially considering the appalling treatment of animals bred for meat and fur etc. Thing is... does morrissey eat cheese? I know that animals don't die to get cheese... but they can still be kept in...
  11. Tottenham Tom

    I wish that... (add your own wishes)

    ...the trend for taking gladioli to the concerts hadn't ended. ...I had had the nerve to invade the stage when I had the chance in 1991 at the Glasgow Royal concert Hall ...I'd waited outside the Glasgow Barrowlands at least once or twice over the years to try and meet Morrissey pre...
  12. Tottenham Tom

    Breaking the 2 year album/tour cycle?

    Hi Lads and Lasses This has been bugging me for weeks now... do your think Morrissey will stick with his apparent 2 year album/tour (04) Year off (05) album/tour (06) cycle? If he keeps going on as is his current "usual" pattern then the next US dates would be an anomoly as he is due a...
  13. Tottenham Tom

    Moz singing with Oasis parody

    Whilst doing my regular trawl through You Tube, I found this oddity - I don't know if anybody has found or mentioned it before - apologies if they have... anyways, it's truly bizzare. What we see is a very, very, very poor Oasis cover band/parody band... but...about 2 mins 25 secs into the...
  14. Tottenham Tom

    BBC Living Icon Votes

    I'm sure many of you know this, but if you delete your internet cookies after you vote for Morrissey, you have the ability to vote again and subsequently as many times as you wish. All you need to do is delete the cookies after every vote. To save time put a short cut to your cookies on...
  15. Tottenham Tom

    Raymonde and lots of Smiths/Moz mp3s

    I'm fairly new to all this but I came across a website that has everything Raymonde ever did on mp3 and also more Smiths/Moz mp3 bootlegs than any sane person can cope with. Apologies if you all know about this site already! TT
  16. Tottenham Tom

    Boz and Alain in the studio cartoon

    Today my friends, I was bored. TT
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