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  1. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    Bonus tracks may appear on B-sides of 7''s, but there will be no deluxe vinyl. Neal, stop foaming at the mouth, you look like you're chewing a bar of soap.
  2. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    The reported Feb date is slipping already (on purpose), into March, and then ... you guessed it. Capitol, 1/4/22 plus bonus tracks on a deluxe CD pack. With a tacky badge ideally. Neal, you're frustrated by truth. Lie down.
  3. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    Is there any online evidence of Watt taking the Moz album?
  4. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    Gosh you're a friendly bunch. I come here to provide info and I get "troll" "guy cannot be trusted" "claptrap" etc. When the official announcement comes (in January I believe, along with a new single), I expect grovelling apologies from you lovely people!
  5. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    It was just M's request. The Fool's day thing. I believe he's asked for it before, but labels were reluctant to do it. I cannot name the label, but it is a household name.
  6. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    Hi. Hope everybody is OK. I cannot post the full thing without losing my current job, but I CAN say that BoT will be released on April 1st 2023. And if you think that is an April Fools joke, it kind of is, and kind of isn't. Watch this space kids!
  7. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    I'd love to, but I have said too much already. I may send it privately to people, but not on this rather sad crevice of the internet. I am hated for posting information. As I say, eyebrows raised!
  8. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    You may be a victim, but don't bring me, or others into it. Mx.
  9. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    At last. An intelligent person. Mx.
  10. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    If you do not understand this song, and consider it a "poor" song (as I have read with my eyebrows towering above my head) I would politely ask you not to call yourself a fan any more and listen to something you may understand such as Cliff Richard. Regards, Mx.
  11. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    Thank you Wild Turkey. I have been admonished for posting any of it, so to maintain cooperation with the _dollar_ men, I will not be posting the full thing. Goodbye.
  12. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    I can assure you I am not what you think.
  13. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    Yes, yes I am. And the reception I am getting may make me exit as quickly as I arrived. Love Mx.
  14. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    Hi, you have lyrics but they are wrong. "Rages so high in May Northwest sky" is correct SuedeMoz. And I am not implying I have knowledge, I am stating it.
  15. Adam Omega

    Bonfire Lyric book

    To the people who say the song 'Bonfire of Teenagers' is poor, or has poor lyrics, you may be having trouble understanding what Morrissey is expressing. I know the song to be one of his absolute greatest works and people who consider it disrespectful to the victims, or the family of victims are...
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