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  1. Skinner

    Are You Team Crystal or Team Scarlet

    Team Crystal. Regardless of which Scarlet is in question.
  2. Skinner

    Food Porn

    These are great!!! Peepshi looks fantastic. Maybe not fantastic to eat but great to see. And nice pepper Ghosty ;)
  3. Skinner

    Food Porn

    I love the term Food Porn. I'm a huge fan of Anthony Bourdain and even if he didn't coin this phrase, he says it in the perfect way. I like to take pictures of food that I make, sort my home made food porn ;)
  4. Skinner

    2010 Winter Olympics - Vancouver

    I guess that means you hate the Republic of Georgia too huh?
  5. Skinner

    2010 Winter Olympics - Vancouver

    I say kids bc I feel quite out of the loop in this lingo used on the internetz these days. So therefore I refer to those who are in the know, as kids. So yes, in this aspect you are a kid my friend. anywho, I'm not some stupid flag waving ill informed American just standing by what's been...
  6. Skinner

    2010 Winter Olympics - Vancouver

    Real talk trufax. Or whatever the kids are saying these days. I agree. Also, how can you hate what the Olympics stand for??? :confused: It's the tradition of peaceful competition between nations all over the world. It brings together people from all over the world for something possitive...
  7. Skinner

    Guilty Pleasures

    These gys as well as... Hanson Degrassi the Next Generation (bc though I am way too old for it) Souther Tier Raspberry Porter And most recently, navratan korma. Just discovered Indian food and this dish must be a million freaking calories but it's just too damn good to refuse.
  8. Skinner

    Getting Banned

    Wow that's great. How long do these previews last on google books generally?
  9. Skinner

    Getting Banned

    I'm going to look for this book at work (Whole Foods) tonight and will probably end up getting it. Oh and modrevolve (and those in the Philly area), Plymouth Meeting Whole Foods Market is giving 100 bags of free groceries away tonight at 8pm. The first 100 people will get the free stuff...
  10. Skinner

    Getting Banned

    Shut up, that's the store I work at. We have had a few authors in since the store opened but so far the only one that has been there while I was working was a woman. Damn! I wish I knew what the deal was a few weeks ago. Anyway if you come back, check out the bakery and see if I'm there...
  11. Skinner

    Getting Banned

    Which Whole Foods? If the book is sold in and endorsed by WFM I am more than willing to give this plan a shot. It's so hard though working in the damn bakery 4 days a week. A bakery that shares counter space with a fresh pizza station. I walk by the brick oven dozens of times per shift :(...
  12. Skinner

    Tea Party Movement pays Palin to speak

    Who's gonna pay her to shut the hell up then?
  13. Skinner

    Barack Hussein Obama -- Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!

    Wow Robby, I generally don't agree this much with you, but this statement couldn't be more true.
  14. Skinner

    Punished brother posts sister's hook-up list

    "BONED" is more like it. Although I'm sure this chick is grounded forever now too. Kids today are just plain retarded. No offense, just saying...
  15. Skinner

    Lindsay Lohan

    Speaking of Love Hewitt, I don't get it, she looks normal in most photos (normal meaning trim with curves, girlfriend did have a child), but in others she looks different. Some people are all like, dayum she got faaaat. But I don't really see that. :confused:
  16. Skinner

    The Buzzwords of 2009

    Junior moment: Flip-side of a senior moment. Can be committed by adults, with a sudden lapse into immaturity; or by youth, displaying the lack of thoughtfulness, sense or self-preservation we oldies associate with them. I gotz thiss :squiffy:
  17. Skinner

    Lindsay Lohan

    Can't a girl dream? I just referenced Disneyland bc I know they have been there in the past, in fact there is a cute pic somewhere on the internetz of the 2 of them in Mickey hats in some sort of fall display. I know, its VERY sad that I know this. Gerry would be MUCH better than f-ing...
  18. Skinner

    Lindsay Lohan

    She HAD a good WOman when she was with Sam. She was off drugs during that time and the only reason she was in the tabloids was bc the media was obsessed with the fact that she was dating a girl. But then she messed that relationship up and ever since has been again on a downward spiral. Back...
  19. Skinner

    Lindsay Lohan

    I acutally love the movie Mean Girls so in a way I am a fan. But I do love following her in the tabloids. For a while last year I had a pic of her and Sam Ronson in my sig. This was at the height of my celebrity gossip trash phase. I still enjoy reading about her antics though. I really...
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