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  1. E

    story on main page about smiths song on final series of extras

    Aah, bless. Was cheese on toast, but the end did make me cry. Well done Gervais and Merchant for a nice ending, and a lovely Smiths song just to add the icing on the cake.
  2. E

    The Most Beautiful Morrissey Pic

    I think he becomes more beautiful with age. Perhaps it's just because I have a thing for the older gent, but his eyes seem to sparkle more and his face is more expressive these days than it was in his youth.
  3. E

    Greatest Morrissey-Solo song of all so far?

    Am surprised nobody has picked my personal favourite: Tomorrow. I love the passion in it when he sings "Oh! The pain in my arms!" and "I know you don't mean it...." Makes me remember a few times when I've had pain in arms, I can tell you..... :(
  4. E

    Your favourite Morrissey lyric

    That's a great one- I remember when I first heard 'Come Back to Camden'- I was in love with a rogue of a gentleman who didn't deserve me and that lyric "me and my heart/ we just knew" cut me real deep. I think I even shed a little tear at the bus stop.
  5. E

    Stop Me Cover by Mark Ronson

    could not agree more. the first time i heard this i seriously thought about breaking something... ...although i did quite enjoy the violins in it.
  6. E

    We the undersigned Love Morrissey and hate racism.

    sorry it is in word- I had trouble uploading it as a gif
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    Morrissey's Statement

    I agree, this made me laugh like a drain. I thought the statement was good. Okay, it wasn't groundbreaking but what is he meant to do? He's been stiched up and he is dealing with that as best he can. Mozzle knows his hardcore fans don't think he is racist and that they won't abandon the...
  8. E

    Your favourite Morrissey lyric

    I actually live in Romford, it's just that The Hanging Gardens of Romford doesn't work so well, lol. How about you Unruley one?
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    Your favourite Morrissey lyric

    Haha! As long as we've cleared that one up then.....
  10. E

    Your favourite Morrissey lyric

    is it sacreligious to say that I love Moz and love The Smiths but 'There is a Light' is not actually one of my favourites?
  11. E

    Moz T-shirt Advice...

    Morrissey is me I reckon would be cool
  12. E

    Your favourite Morrissey lyric

    An excellent one! You know what else is brilliant- "I decree today that life is simply and not giving/ England is mine/ And it owes me a living" from Still Ill.
  13. E

    Your favourite Morrissey lyric

    Oooh and pretty much every line from Shelagh Take a Bow- 'how can someone so young sing words so sad?' That songs brilliant because it is both profound AND makes you want to dance with your arms in the air like a tit.... "Throw your homework onto the fire la la la la la la." Lol, told you I...
  14. E

    Your favourite Morrissey lyric

    "I know it's over, and it never really began, but in my heart it was so real." is also an excellent line from that song. You have inspired me to go and listen to it again!
  15. E

    The most oddest Morrissey songs

    I completely agree about Pregnant for the Last Time. I actually do like it as a song, but it's totally random. I tell you what is weird: Interesting Drug. It's like he took his inspiration from the Grange Hill 'Lets Say No' campaign. Again, I like it but it's bizzare.
  16. E

    Your favourite Morrissey lyric

    I am sure that this thread has been covered but a) I am new here and b) we all love the old Moz and it never hurts to discuss his lovely, lovely words. I think all of his lyrics are brilliant (other than possibly "in the bar, with my head on the bar"!!) but my favourites are probably "call...
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