Andy Rourke after he worked in the Timber Yard.



Did Andy Rourke get his teeth fixed? Does smoking Scag cause tooth decay problems? I know Andy can't smell anything anymore poor man, junk does that to you. When Andy was into Neil Young,Joni Mitchell, being mystical, mashed up on mushrooms. Oh how I love Andy Rourke he is so brave and hard working. Andy has had bad eye-sight since he was a child and wrote a song with Morrissey called "Yes, I am blind" it was something they had in common. Andy found it hard being the youngest in The Smiths and couldn't manage the vegetarian thing like the other three could, so he isn't a vegetarian. When Andy had his jobs before he was a Smith like the Timber Yard and being a sign writer for one of his bands. Does anyone know Andy's old work mates? I bet they would be pleased by how well he did. I really love Andy Rourke. God bless Andy Rourke. I wish him well.
so,hes a toothless old sack of crap who smells..

> Did Andy Rourke get his teeth fixed? Does smoking Scag cause tooth decay
> problems? I know Andy can't smell anything anymore poor man, junk does
> that to you. When Andy was into Neil Young,Joni Mitchell, being mystical,
> mashed up on mushrooms. Oh how I love Andy Rourke he is so brave and hard
> working. Andy has had bad eye-sight since he was a child and wrote a song
> with Morrissey called "Yes, I am blind" it was something they
> had in common. Andy found it hard being the youngest in The Smiths and
> couldn't manage the vegetarian thing like the other three could, so he
> isn't a vegetarian. When Andy had his jobs before he was a Smith like the

oooh, poor andy-pandy
couldnt manage to be a vegetarian!
oh if only i cared,

but i dont.
Re: Andy Rourke smells lovely of perfume. But poor Andy can't smell anything.

Andy Rourke has lost his sense of smell, due to smoking Scag I suppose it is a common thing to happen to those who are brave enough to chase the dragon.Andy's teeth are fine he is lucky.
Re: Andy Rourke has lovely teeth.

There is nothing wrong with Andy's teeth, he is lucky. But poor Andy has had bad eye-sight since he was a child like Morrissey has bad eye-sight.
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