Facts about the next two days....



1-Morrissey is playing Phoenix and the setlist will be pretty amazing. There are some brilliant suprises.

2-Man U 3 Boca Juniors 0...goals will be made by Giggs,Ole and I have a feeling Forlan will sack up and net one too. God Bless Sir Alex, and keep Best well.
I have decided to give up any hope of NOT taking a peak at Setlists before the Vegas shows!

> 1-Morrissey is playing Phoenix and the setlist will be pretty amazing.
> There are some brilliant suprises.

> 2-Man U 3 Boca Juniors 0...goals will be made by Giggs,Ole and I have a
> feeling Forlan will sack up and net one too. God Bless Sir Alex, and keep
> Best well.
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