I Don't Mind If You Forget Me chords?


Junior Member
does anyone know the chords and possibly even the tab for the riff at the end of the track. I've trawled the usual sites but to no such luck. I'm not the best of guitarists so I can't do it by ear and also I can't get me head round barre chords so if there's a version without having to use them that would be great!
does anyone know the chords and possibly even the tab for the riff at the end of the track. I've trawled the usual sites but to no such luck. I'm not the best of guitarists so I can't do it by ear and also I can't get me head round barre chords so if there's a version without having to use them that would be great!

Quick thoughts - sounds like A--->E--->F#m--->D, but I'll have a look tomorrow.


check stephen street's website.. i thought i saw the chords for this song in his songbook
no problem. there are also a lot of songs i've tabbed myself in the I'm hated for loving chords thread. things like he knows i'd love to see him and less well known songs
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