Journalist calling Morrissey fans


Brendan O'Neill

Dear all,

I am a journalist based in London, currently writing a piece for BBC Online about Morrissey's comeback. I would love to hear the views of some of Morrissey's fans. Drop me an email if you're interested in taking part.

Morrissey and his fans should stay far of the journalists in my humble opinion.

If it's for read deformed things tell us why we should give you our opinion?
> Morrissey and his fans should stay far of the journalists in my humble
> opinion.

he's writing it for the BBC, not the Sun. besides, we're fans. how would it ruin our careers?

> If it's for read deformed things tell us why we should give you our
> opinion?

that sentence doesn't make sense....even George W. would say, "huh?"
if you say "i like there's a light" for exemple, in journalist mouth it's "moz fans are facinated by death, they're despress"

this is why i say, why we should help this guy for his paper? any thing can prove to us that he'll be honest in his comments?
> if you say "i like there's a light" for exemple, in journalist
> mouth it's "moz fans are facinated by death, they're despress"

well, what if it was true that we are fascinated by death and are depressed?

> this is why i say, why we should help this guy for his paper? any thing
> can prove to us that he'll be honest in his comments?

i don't know. i responded out of curiosity and basically he said that he wanted small answers because he wants to quote as many people as possible for a small article, so obviously, we aren't exactly making the front cover....
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