Justin Hawkins analyzes "The Queen Is Dead" - 'I'll Fight You, If You Disagree With Me'

Funny you should post this....I've been overdosing on Justin's channel this week. Who knew he's such a lovely and knowledgeable guy.
Agreed. This is a lot of fun to watch : )
If anyone is interested, Hot Cakes is their best album in my opinion. It's the most fleshed out of all of them.

There is no political party (and very few people anywhere) that thinks anyone and everyone must be allowed to enter the UK (or any country for that matter) regardless of the consequences.
The consensus is that there needs to be some control of immigration - even within the EU you're allowed to limit numbers.
Morrissey sharing this opinion is almost nothing to do with the reasons for him becoming massively toxic.
As 'just another fool with radical views' and an apostle of the late David Graeber, I would like borders not to exist at all and for there to be real free movement, of people more than goods. Now it's the other way round, and increasingly so. After Morrissey's announcement before this year's tour of no restrictions or rules for show-comers, and after a couple of years of frightening lockdowns and other shelter-in-place-type mandates with duck and cover connotations, he's his old self again
That was what made us sore; I think, the inability to reconcile one with the other. These days we've a lot more to worry about than a few wayward out-loud thoughts of an admired singer-artist, which 99.9% of the time, let's be fair, entertain, delight and fortify. The page is presumably turned. Is Justin Hawkins making those kinds of videos everyday now? That takes some preparation and talent. For every thousand views or so of a channel, I'm told a YouTube payment is made. That could be a reasonable inducement for someone able to capture attention like he does.
Justin is now onto Iggy, who's to feature on BoT, and has currently the same producer
morrissey the smith
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