Morrisey's Stage Presence


A true professional stageman. I've never heard such a projected voice (with no back up singers or overdubs) ring through with lyrics so crisp. He is also amazing at controlling the crowd without alienating their existence.
A true professional stageman. I've never heard such a projected voice (with no back up singers or overdubs) ring through with lyrics so crisp. He is also amazing at controlling the crowd without alienating their existence.

Indeed he is all you say.He`s a bit of a diva.He is perfection.I LOVE him:D
Several people have remarked on his presence as being calming, when they meet him in person.
I agree, he owns the stage.
A true professional stageman. I've never heard such a projected voice (with no back up singers or overdubs) ring through with lyrics so crisp. He is also amazing at controlling the crowd without alienating their existence.

Yes, he commands attention.
My long-time friend, who always strongly opposed to and never understood my moz "obsession", came along for his Manchester gig on Dec 22nd last year - just doing me a favour. She was really reluctant in the beginning , but i watched her getting dragged into the intensity of a Moz Live Show slowly during the concert. Now she's a "fan" (sorry a "member of the audience"), too :D. (sending me copies of newspaper clippings and radio tapes over to Germany...*schmoooch*).

The beauty of Morrissey's songs played live...*sigh*

He has a mesmerizing way communicating with his listeners through his music and words and his moves and his incredibly overwhelming stage persona - nobody who watches can escape that (imo) . Not to forget his brilliant band.

He's not perfect and not necessarily lovable, but he comes across as very real and is extremely interesting to watch.
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