Morrissey brands Australia’s Eurovision entry ‘illogical’ - The Australian

Athlete's Foot makes more sense than you do. A steaming turd has more to offer the world.

Just ignore Handy,aka Brummie Boy he was bullied at school for being a know all nerd. In the age of the Internet he can get away with his insults and the I am a more worthy person than you approach because he can hide behind his keyboard. But the fact is he is still the guy with no friends, hence the time he spends on here. :thumb:
Just ignore Handy,aka Brummie Boy he was bullied at school for being a know all nerd. In the age of the Internet he can get away with his insults and the I am a more worthy person than you approach because he can hide behind his keyboard. But the fact is he is still the guy with no friends, hence the time he spends on here. :thumb:

Go f*** yourself, useless Scouse wank-stain. Nobody bullied me at school. Everybody loved me, except the teachers, of course. I'm not a 'nerd', I'm an Art-Hound, dip-stick.


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Makes sense, you are clearly very short and very thick

I'm 6ft 2ins and I'm easily one of the smartest people on the planet. Easily. Just ask Morrissey, he'll tell you. Make no mistake, I'm everything he dreams of: The Good Looking Man About Town.



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Athlete's Foot makes more sense than you do. A steaming turd has more to offer the world.

Repetez et ecoutez: f*** off.


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Yes I remember that he flirted the idea that they should ask him to sing in the Eurovision contest and then he did a duck-dynasty when they approached him. He did it again when he last performed at the M E N arena when he announced that he'd been given the key to somewhere or other and " do you know what Manchester gave me ! Nothing ! " When Manchester council got wind of his outburst they offered to meet with his people to discuss his needs but once again he did a duck-dynasty. Recently he announced he would be appearing on Alan Carr chatty-man show only to do a duck-dynasty again. He talks the talk and that's all there is to him (full of shit).

Benny-the-British-Butcher 

And he couldn't control his sphincter muscles to sit on a coach with David Cameron and give him stick. He's just not up to it on so many levels. Yet his batty cult fans think he's Stephen Fry or Oscar Wilde. What drivel!

Suck my dick, you plastic paddy jock. "Long and thin goes to far in, short and thick does the trick" Gag on that.


You've resorted to ethnocentric insults, vulgar language, and you have made a grammatical error (using 'to' instead of 'too') that most children master by age 8. You think yourself quite intelligent, but your posts refute this opinion daily.
Eurovision Song Contest is not European song contest. The organizer of the Eurovision Song Contest is the European Broadcasting Union.

Do not let Morrissey find out about this. Boy will his face be red.

Boy its amazing. A whole article and a thread full of post could not find this out until now.
This site is not even about Morrissey, its just a boxing ring for the frustrated and sad. The true fans are out there enjoying is music.

I should reconsider really.......
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Do not let Morrissey find out about this. Boy will his face be red.

Boy its amazing. A whole article and a thread full of post could not find this out until now.
This site is not even about Morrissey, its just a boxing ring for the frustrated and sad. The true fans are out there enjoying is music.

I should reconsider really.......

your presence here is almost only sign of spirit and life lately. it would be a great loss if you quit. for me, i mean...

look at this: :rofl: :rofl:
Eurovision is the biggest hetero event hijacked by the gay community and tonight Sweden won it with Måns Zelmerlöw who in an interview openly stated that he isn't a supporter of a gay lifestyle.

Claiming that Eurovision is gay is like claiming that Chelsea Football Club is gay just cause a shirtlifter can be found among all the other normal nazi Chelsea fans.
congratulations, tynamuna :rofl:

Yes yes yes yes oh god yes! I will be running naked on the street screaming the messiah måns is here!

They will now in sweden not shut up about this until the next ESC

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your presence here is almost only sign of spirit and life lately. it would be a great loss if you quit. for me, i mean...

look at this: :rofl: :rofl:
Thanks my love, i have grown fond of you too :) although you must be the only one here, most would crack the champagne in my absence. Hell My own mother pours a glass whenever i leave the room, also forget Morrissey where is this guys fansite. He is one wordssmith i never knew that love was true true true. Jesus christ he is a combination between lordi and Mariah Carey
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Swedish nurses in fountains and big blokes singing in the streets!
read an article from the associated press a few days ago basically saying the same. I think the australian choice is a fav of someone there
I liked Belgium. But I don't disapprove of Sweden at all. :D

I caught a glimpse of the three Italian metrotenors, one of them looked as if he had just sat on his glasses, and there were ejaculations of light behind them. I think that may have made someone in Australia happy.

And the UK went all Caravan Palace on us (odd) but Latvia was surprising in a nice way.

The rest, as Damon would say, is a bit of a blur.

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