Morrissey in Iran?

No, Morrissey slammed Bush because Bush is against same-sex marriage. He then said he didn't understand why since Bush's father was in one of those relationships :p

There is a video in youtube - it's really funny :D

Morrissey said that about Bush's dad awhile ago, didn't he?

Morrissey seems to have a negative view of any marriage though, since his parents' was a disaster...
This so called 'ignorance' of the Muslim religion is on a par with most people on heres' ignorance of the Muslim religion!
This so called 'ignorance' of the Muslim religion is on a par with most people on heres' ignorance of the Muslim religion!

Okay, you just repeated yourself? Clarify what you're stating...
It took me a few tries, but I think I get it and it's clever.

I think...

Unless he's equating "so-called" ignorance with Ignorance itself..

As with any religion, Islam ("the Muslim Religion") is not in of itself a all religions it is the PEOPLE who take their religion to seriously and literally and are intolerent of OTHERS that are the problem...

I personally respect Islam and anyone who practices it for the morons who act like Jerry Falwell in its name...well that's a topic for another time...
I think it's meant to say that Islam's ignorance is matched by our ignorance of Islam.

Edit: Or not. Never mind, it's not clever.

The problem is that all the media ever show are The rabid millitant Muslims and never the "I pray in my own home" Muslims
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