Morrissey in new UNcylopedia...

OMG that is HIGHLARIOUS!!!! Those Lies of Morrissey are brilliant.
My faves:

"I've never had a job, because I've never wanted one."
Truth: Morrissey was seen in December 2004 delivering pizza for Domino's in Los Angeles.

"Everyday is like Sunday..."
Truth: This man does not know the days of the week. There is post all week but not Sundays. Last time I checked, I get post on Thursdays.

"There is a light that never goes out"
Truth: What? Where is this light? It would solve global warming!

"The more you ignore me, the closer I get"
Truth: Morrissey comes closer to you at a constant speed whether or not you ignore him. It's just more surprising if you ignore him.

Thank you for posting this!
wow! That took a lot of work, im impressed. also wish i had that much time to throw around!
Thats quite funny actually!​
that was hilarious - the addition of the Damien Hirst reference is new. cleverly done, especially making the connection to Hirst - anyone who follows his artwork will readily see the humor.
Apparently Robert Smith was murdered by Morrissey in 1994...
"However, this Morrissey is not as good a Morrissey as Peter Gabriel, who is a better Morrissey than Morrissey himself."

WTF?! :D lol
"These accusations were regarded as false by most of his followers. However, very recently, at the 6985th Daily World Conference of Morrissey-SoLow (a religious cult devoted to the worship of Morrissey as a God, and to the research of every aspect of his life and work" quote from UNclyopedia.

It's pretty funny. I'm sure David T would be proud.:cool:
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