"Morrissey's retirement will be the perfect ending" - The Guardian

Good article (with comments) about Morrissey's alleged impending retirement. news to me, and probably to him.

Morrissey's retirement will be the perfect ending by Owen Hatherley - The Guardian
While all the other ageing rockers are reforming and creaking around on stage, Morrissey has decided to bow out with dignity


Morrissey Announces 2014 Retirement Plans by Todd Gilchrist - Hollywood Reporter. Link posted by yelahderaj (original post).
The 53-year-old singer says he started contemplating the move after "aging a lot recently."

Morrissey: Jag lägger av 2014 - Aftonbladet. Link posted by an anonymous person (original post).

UPDATE June 8, 11:30AM PT:

Uncleskinny also sends the link (scan of paper edition in original post):

In praise of ... getting off the stage - The Guardian
Though we will miss the music, Morrissey's plan to retire at 55 means he will at least retain the dignity lacking in others

Related item:

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Would you rather I not bother?

No, I mean, I was genuinely curious as to why you didn't like that version of the song. And after reading your answer, to some extent I agree about the single mix; it's almost too much in the other direction. Too sharp.

But, like most of the topics I indulge in here, it's an issue that at 2:30 this morning seemed a hell of a lot more urgent to me than it did in retrospect six hours later.
also, @Skylarker: your pointless self-editing bewilders me.

You routinely say things on these forums and then delete them. I remember a few months back (March? April?), you deleted like every recent post you had made in some attempt to vanish from the forums. Then you came back a month later and were your usual emotive self, like nothing had changed.

you can't unring a bell, dude. Say what you feel. Say what you mean. Leave it said. Nobody is judging

Unless of course, you're claiming Mazzy Star is "boring church music"

then I'm most certainly judging.
I guess what I'm really trying to say with those last two lines: please introduce me to your Mazzy-obsessed girlfriend, pronto
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