oh barf

Re: Sleater-Kinney are totally average and mostly boring, overrated because of their politics

> It seems to me it's sexist to hype something just because you
> wanna support "grrl power."

Who said anything about supporting "grrl power?" Their sex is irrelevant. At any rate, it's no more sexist than the average pop boffin who will freely bear her cleavage to get radio play and doesn't resist the star system.

> It's not my job as a listener to do that
> much work to understand whatever the f*** is rattling around in someone's
> head.

Right. So you never had to work to understand what the f*** is rattling around in Morrissey's head? You got 'em all on the first listen?

Thought so...

>I'm not gonna follow Carrie Brownstein into a revolution. I'll go to a >freaking> library and read someone who knows what the hell he's talking about, >thank you.

What HE's talking about, eh? And a few paragraphs before you were ranting about sexism.

Your free-associating, rambling opinion is yours, of course, but if you're going to make sweeping statements without even listening to THE THREE MOST RECENT RELEASES BY THE ARTIST YOU ARE CRITICISING, then you truly ARE an oaf.

Go on; slag me with some sophomoric sexual innuendoes. Ho f***ing hum.


i liked "complicated" but that one about the skater guy who becomes a rock star was lame.

you have to admit that its very difficult being female and trying to do anything in music, and this sort of attitude of "wahhh i hate chick music" exemplifies what any woman is already up against if she's trying to do something.
chick bands or bands with chicks that are cool and didnt resort to sucking off record execs: breeders, sonic youth, cyndi lauper, the bangles, the go-gos...sinead o'connor, elastica, texas...

i dont ask much of chick musicians. just that they dont suck. am i too demanding? i ask the same of any artist, male or female.
Re: Most rock radio doesn't play female musicians

> i am so misunderstood. my whole argument is in response to that appalling
> article in rolling stone and a reaction to what i hear on the radio these
> days. nothing more nothing less. i am merely commenting on the fact that
> people consider these people to be artists within the rock genre, when
> they clearly are not. furthermore, pop and rock blend together in many
> cases. would you say the smiths are rock and morrissey is pop because
> morrissey doesnt play any instruments? (does the fact that a solo artist
> doesnt play instruments mean their music isn't rock? what was janis
> joplin?) i dont have a problem with "pop" as long as it's
> quality (i.e. not britney or f***ing avril lavigne). i know that some
> women can and do rock and have rocked in the past and will rock in the
> future. i'm just trying to say that most artists being passed off as rock
> stars these days are about as far from being a rock star as i am.

> maybe i should have made the context a little clearer. jesus. but in spite
> of everything, i stand by my assertion. i dont like most chick rock from
> any decade. but that's a personal preference. i still acknowledge that
> over the years, there has been some chick rock that truly has rocked.

After I thought about my response about the musicians who play instruments verses ones who don't, I realized that was fallacious on my part. You are right, I'll retract that. But it seems to me that you are tossing out the baby with the bath water just because of your resentment toward "people" considering these artists to be categorized in the rock genre when they shouldn't. Do you not like female rock stars because they are mislabeled or because you think they aren't "rock" capable and/or untalented? Maybe the reason you are "so misunderstood" is because you are unclear. It seems as if you are saying two different things. So if you don't think women are talented enough musicicans then just say so but don't blame the f***ed up music industry and other things that are out of their control.
Re: Most rock radio doesn't play female musicians

i think that most of the female artists passed off as musicians these days suck and do not deserve the title. yes, i feel many are mislabeled, but i also feel like many of the ones who arent mislabeled are just plain untalented. many but not all. i dont know how much clearer i can get?
> as for avril, i find her interviews hilarious. she talks about how she
> didnt start listening to music until recently and how she's never bought a
> cd in her life. she thinks the goo goo dolls are the epitome of good music
> - punk music for that matter! it's like, honey, the goo goo dolls havent
> been cool or anywhere near punk since like their second album. i read one
> interview where she was asked who her musical influences were and she was
> like "uh i dont really have any. uh the beach boys maybe?" what
> a tool.

OMG, the Goo Goo Dolls are one of my ultimate most hated bands! You've given me flashbacks to that horrid video where the lead singer is rolling around on a chair and looking thru all those telescopes. It makes me sick that females find him dreamy and "oh so deep"!!!!!!!
1)he's ugly
2)he's ugly
3)he writes crappy songs for the soundtracks of movies that star meg ryan (who i wish would just f*** off)

what's to like?
Re: Most rock radio doesn't play female musicians

> i think that most of the female artists passed off as musicians these days
> suck and do not deserve the title. yes, i feel many are mislabeled, but i
> also feel like many of the ones who arent mislabeled are just plain
> untalented. many but not all. i dont know how much clearer i can get?

Bingo! You win a star for clarity.

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