Super Depressing so I'll hide it in the sty


My secret's my enzyme.
I'm just going to get this off my chest. I don;t have a crazy blog anymore and I don't have the liberty or gift of packaging these thoughts into beautiful lyrics.

So today is the four year anniversary of the day I left a long relationship that was tremendously abusive. While it's a good thing I left, the next few days represent an intensely dark period where I took all my money and resolved to kill myself in a motel room by overdosing on the anti-psychotics every doctor told me to take that never made the signs I said I saw go away. I thought it would be a nice poetic justice to die by way of the thing that couldn't hide what I was experiencing. But I knew it was going to take some time, I had to build up to it because I suppose a part of me didn't want to die. Despite my sign-seeing affliction and relatively crappy deck-stacked-against-me life up to that point, I loved life. My dog. My mom and dad. My sister. My friends. I loved them. But I was so lost in my brain and the signs URGING me to do something else, to go in a different direction, to constantly pay attention, to let go of the coincidences, all of this experienced absolutely alone. Trying to relate to my friends while voices spoke through them, listening to that voice while simultaneously listening to my friend. It was surreal and eerie and familiar my whole life but just making sense, like I was just figuring out the system and I could share it with nobody. THen to be paired with this abusive man who controlled and bullied and screamed and it was all "lessons." THen I had to hear the voice within this screaming outrage directed at me, spitting in my face and try to discern why he was choosing the words he chose, it was all lessons. But it was too difficult to live through, it was a school I didn;t sign up for, I was thrown into it and there was nowhere I could turn, nobody listened, they were all "the voice." And even though the voice was consoling and hopeful, I'd had enough, I couldn't take it.

So today, four years ago, I said I was going to the library and I drove to a motel instead and took some pills, too many. I dreamt I was sitting in a bed watching television, I could hear the television, but I;d wake up and it wasn't my television, it was turned off and the curtains drawn. So I'd take twice as many more pills. I paid for two more nights not knowing how long it would take for the "too many pills" to be just enough pills. And the maid, a Mexican man, used his key to get into my room. He wanted to give me fresh towels, he insisted I take them and he looked at me with this desperation that said "No. Please don't." It wasn't "the voice," it wasn't instructional, it was like his soul was telling me no more pills. So I slept them off, I have no idea how long it took, it was Seroquel, I think I got up to 8. And then, I had to drive home to a home I hated. So I did my usual song and dance when I'd run away so many times before. I'd bring food and be apologetic and say how useless I was and make a plan to change as a person because I was an awful person. This was the standard script of acceptance. Except this time I'd spent all the money on the motel and had none, I;d have to steal a turkey and potatoes and pie from the grocery store. I knew that Scolari's didn't have surveillance cameras, I'd go there. It was the lowest of low feelings that I was so accustomed to, almost breaking away then getting scared and grovelling my way back. But something said, the voice said, go to Los Angeles. It was Thanksgiving. And I did. And that's that.

When I decided I wanted to die four years ago today, I knew I wanted to do it next to this rock, one of the seven sisters in a range of dormant volcanos. Good thing I didn;t follow through on that gut feeling, I was close to knowing what I needed though. :o


I'm not asking that anyone respond to this, I'm just letting go of thoughts that plague me. Memories. I already unlesashed this thought on poor Jackie via PM, she probably thinks I'm a freak. :p
"22:4: Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off, he then said unto himself; Lord let one gratify one self with a firm hand shandy and bestow the angels the task of mopping up one's baby gravy"
Just keep talking to your friends here, you'll be perfectly OK.:thumb:


Thanks Peter. :sweet:

"22:4: Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off, he then said unto himself; Lord let one gratify one self with a firm hand shandy and bestow the angels the task of mopping up one's baby gravy"

Actually he said,

"And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you."

But I guess in some circles that could work...
Thanks Peter. :sweet:

Actually he said,

"And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you."

But I guess in some circles that could work...

This is an actual quote from Leviticus!

"2:6: Thou shalt part it in pieces, and pour oil thereon: it is a meat offering."
I don't mean this in a bad way, but you aren't great at trying to kill yourself. Quetiapine overdose is not a very surefire way to kick it.

I'm guessing you are (were) taking it for Bipolar (dosages for anxiety being generally unfit for suicide). Sound like you wanted to want to kill yourself (a common mood amongst Moz fans, ;)) but have a underpinning desire to live. Rather than be a somber anniversary, I read it as a statement of your will to live and grow.

my heart goes out to you CG, I know how difficult the anniversary of certain events can be :straightface:
here's to you making it through another year too :highfive:

See, I was right. You need puppy dogs and ice cream.

You are a lovely person. :flowers:

Thank you both. :o

I don't mean this in a bad way, but you aren't great at trying to kill yourself. Quetiapine overdose is not a very surefire way to kick it.

I'm guessing you are (were) taking it for Bipolar (dosages for anxiety being generally unfit for suicide). Sound like you wanted to want to kill yourself (a common mood amongst Moz fans, ;)) but have a underpinning desire to live. Rather than be a somber anniversary, I read it as a statement of your will to live and grow.


Thank you. There are other factors. I have an AV node malformation that causes supraventricular tachycardia. I suppose I was thinking by taking the Quetiapine I would simultaneously affect the rhythm of my heart rate AND my ability to correct it and would just quietly die of a heart attack. And I feel stupid sharing this story to begin with because though I left the man, it wasn't like a Gloria Gaynor song where I was strong, I was in that space where I wanted to die. It is a dangerous place. I've SINCE toye with the idea of dying, buying draino. Well, we kinda needed draino for the drain anyway, but I was experimenting with that feeling of "getting it done." just go buy the draino so it'll be there to drink when you're ready. Or I went and bought bullets for the family 22. I never put them in the gun, but they're there just in case. Kind of like baby steps to when I'm ready to just say "f*** it." My point here I guess is not that I'm a rampantly testing the idea of suicide, but that for those few days I had crossed that line and was quite literally ready to die. Such a dangerous place and a place I haven;t been to since NOR do I intend to go to. But if you take anything away from this, if you have a friend of relative who crosses that point and doesn't have the luxury of seeing signs that tell them to stop, make yourself known, don't leave their side. Because to them reason goes out the window. Be careful not to take suicide lightly. That thread where we were joking around with that guy who wanted to die was no end of frustrating for me because I was pretty sure it was all bluffing, but there was that part of me that remembered thinking, "This is the last time I'll see the sunset. Better pay my bill and get this done. Next."
And another thing, I don't sit around and dwell on this depressing stuff. This is not a milestone I want to celebrate or even think about really. I wouldn't have even known or cared had the man I left emailed me and reminded me of the anniversary I "abandoned" him because an iCal alert popped up on his screen. He dwells on this stuff, I am more interested in living which is why in my own pathetic little way I try so hard to reach out to Morrissey with these symbol threads to say, "Hey, I think I'm like you. I'm one of you. There's a reason we're odd. Let's get through and live in this dark, odd world together." And of course, realistically, Morrissey's a windmill and I'm Donkey Hotee. But I try at least. :o I'm not going to off myself if I bump into Morrissey at the Cat & Fiddle again and he says "Stop, you strange girl." but I have to try.

In fact I'll never off myself. It would be such a waste.

Okay let's make this thread go away.
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You certainly sound quixotic to me ;)

I have love to give him ordered from above. It's just wrapped up in a crazy package that knows too much about weird shit that nobody should notice. :o
Hey C.G. Very brave of you to tell about all that stuff, but take
heart because lots of people care about you.
You're not the only one who has those kinds of times and at least
you are able to take stock of things and fantastic that you are
not still in that abusive relationship. I know what that's like having
been in one for twenty years (myself).
It takes a while to recover from all that.
But you know lots of us in here are with you , if not in body,
in spirit. Hang in there.
Keep listening to Morrissey and hold your head up high!:guitar:
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