As you should. I am always here,remember that!! Mr.Proper is da shizzity shiznit. I will be here bangin mom,s and giving cruss T some well deserved crap. It's my intent to put this full-blown-aids victim right into the psycho ward. He's about as smart as my pet monkey,or a big turd,whichever you prefer.

Yes. We also miss Polio, Diptheria and snake-oil salesmen.

> WE miss him...
Re: Hey Hun

WHAT did you just say about our pet monkey?!? How dare you insult Bubbles that way!! Our monkey is as smart as a 3 year old kid! Russ T's no where near that, I'm ashamed with you!! No monkeyspanking for you tonite ;-)

> As you should. I am always here,remember that!! Mr.Proper is da
> shizzity shiznit. I will be here bangin mom,s and giving cruss T
> some well deserved crap. It's my intent to put this
> full-blown-aids victim right into the psycho ward. He's about as
> smart as my pet monkey,or a big turd,whichever you prefer.
Re: Hey Hun

Ohh I'm sorry. Did i say our pet monkey? I'm sorry Can you forgive me?? I love it when you spank me. Our pet monkey bubbles,his schit is smarter than russ T. Russ T is like that piece of schit that you get stuck between your butt cheeks,that no matter how hard you wipe,you just can't seem to get rid of it,kinda like having AIDS. Russ T is the anti-christ. I've forgotten more than russ T knows.
Re: @

I miss being able to take a nice dumpy dump all over your smelly carcass anus.
> WE miss him...
Me thinks he is getting pleasingly packed in his perfectly puckered pooper and is too busy to report in!
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