Why Doesn't Morrissey Come Out of the Closet?

Re: Why Doesn't Mr. Proper Come Out of the Closet?

hey assjack, I come out of the closet everyday when I say that me and Who are YOU?? have mad sex all the time. Just because she wont f*** losers like you is nothing to get mad at me about. thats a sort of asshole thing you have working for you. Even your mom has told me on several occasions that you are an asshole to her because you found out we had sex. Your mom is a good woman,I know. But be nice. maybe you'll get laid by someone other than your blow up doll. Got it anus??
Re: WHY DOESN'T SPARTACUS spell his own name correctly?

> No, no, no! Sparacus is a play on words, dimwitts! He's sparring with us
> therefore he's 'spar-acus'. I'm not a fan of his but I know what he's up
> to.

Stitch, you clever bastard! Perhaps you're correct. Then again....you may be giving too much credit to the nunce:)
Why the hell is Port Charles on TV?-Rafe Lover

You are shit.Leave my man Mr. Improper alone. He is all mine and he is absolutly yummy. You are the shit my dog poops out when she eats flavored milkbones. Actually, the crap is Port Charles. I watched it and that has got to be the worst show on TV. Your man "Rafe" has got to be the ugliest guy on TV and he can't act. Could he possibly bleach his hair anymore?
The most disturbing part is they were playing Ben Harper in the background. I can't believe anyone in Morrissey's camp would be associated with that show.
Re: He doesn't have a stitch to wear?

> In the modern world there is no need for successful people to remain
> closet cases.

Tell that to Tom Cruise!
Rafe Lover

> You are clearly some illiterate drunk, of the kind found on 'dotmusic'.
No, Rafe lover is fond of some rediculous soap opera that features a bleach blonde ugly guy and thats why she is so hostile.
Re: Why don't you spred your ass cheeks and sit on my big fat dick!!

Thats the same thing you say to your cat all the time. Now the truth is out. Shame on you,kitty phucker!!!.
Chris and Mozzer being given a rest by Robert Evans...

> In the 1980s, it was understandable why a gay artist would want to keep
> his sexuality 'ambiguous'. But this is 2002! George Michael is out &
> proud and Morrissey looks increasingly anachronistic and more than a
> little 'sad'.
> I mean - Jeez - why the hell would an 'indie' artist like Moz want to
> appear more conservative than George Michael? Grow up Morrissey! And join
> the modern world!
Maybe Mozzer is waiting for Chris to do it first... Hehe ... Seriously, I think Mozzer was out of the closet at his first Smiths album... So what we want him to do... parachute himself in the middle of the gay parade at Santa Monica Blvd... Greet patrons of Rage with hugs on entrance... He was out of the closet well back at 1984... Maybe me and Spartacus indeed overdid it... Next what: outing Vinnie the Pooh or Snoopy? Maybe it is a time to give both Chris and Mozzer a rest... (I think Chris would bloody enjoy to have a rest with Mozzer Heheheh....)
Re: WHY DOESN'T SPARTACUS spell his own name correctly?

> Stitch, you clever bastard! Perhaps you're correct. Then again....you may
> be giving too much credit to the nunce:)
I think Spartacus just can't spell, 'cause he had a hard abusive childhood...

hahaha Its pathetic. He is still annoying! He brings this shit upon himself, when he gets personal about his life. If he was such a "mature" and "not annoying" f***, then he would just brush this off and talk about something else. Maybe that person in Arizona didn't want to confront him, because he'll probably end going all pyscho on them. Face it, he is GAY, he is a HOMOSEXUAL. And there is nothing wrong with that.
Poor poor anonbitch

anonbitch your still as pathetic as him. Don't you see your playing his mind games, your just like another laboratory rat to him. He was right though, if you have a problem why don't you address him yourself in an email, it just seems like your scared to do so.
Re: Poor poor anonbitch

I'd prefer not to. Maybe when I am bored!
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