Worst Morrissey Songs Ever.

Re: kill uncle

> It's a B-side + it does suck... But not as much as 'Papa Jack'.

> You know what other songs of his should go to hell ? 'Break Up
> The Family' + 'My Love Life' Those songs make me feel so gross.
> (Rather read Anthem 500 times)

> ^_^

the album kill uncle should be burning right now. ...Oh, and don't forget the pathetic tune satan rejected my soul(maladjusted). can you believe that?
Re: Oh everybody knows...

> It's Margaret on the Guillotine! Blerrrgrh!

> LMC x

oh no, no, no !!!!! that's cool. margaret dead is nice. ehehehehe.
Re: Notsogood Morrissey Songs

> I'd pick Now I am a Was , Heir Apparent , Pregnant for the
> Last Time and You've Had Her . Can't say I hate them, but I
> surely don't love them. And I never ever play them anymore. And
> from the Smiths' era, I always found How soon is Now rather
> boring.

> But that's personal. And I've a bad reputation anyway.

> Feel free to try to convince me of my wrongbeings.

> in misery,
> Interdude

pregnant for the last time is a @#!!!.
I can't believe somebody is agreeing with me!

I can't believe somebody is agreeing with me!

I even wrote that Ambitious Outsiders is the worst Moz song ever in a big review I made in a newspaper from my city when Morrissey came here.

> There are quite a few songs that aren't Morrissey's best but the
> only one that I think is absolutely horrible is Ambitious
> Outsiders. It doesn't seem like anyone ever brings this one up
> when talking about his worst songs.
Re: I can't believe somebody is agreeing with me!

> I even wrote that Ambitious Outsiders is the worst Moz song ever
> in a big review I made in a newspaper from my city when
> Morrissey came here.

hahaha...and I'm sure he enjoyed that wonderful welcome upon his arrival in Curitaba.
Re: I can't believe somebody is agreeing with me!

> hahaha...and I'm sure he enjoyed that wonderful welcome upon his
> arrival in Curitaba.

I am almost ashamed to say it was the only bad thing I wrote against him... the rest of the text was soooo... work of a crazy fan, you know? :)))
I would say the songs that I cant really listen to are:

1. This Is Not Your Country
2. Margaret On The Guillotine (probably since I dont live in England and cant really relate to this one)
3. Asain Rut

As for the Smiths:
1. (I know some will hate me for this!) How Soon Is Now?, its too played out!
2. Panic (cant stand the end of it)
3. I Keep Mine Hidden
Re: kill uncle

> the album kill uncle should be burning right now. ...Oh, and
> don't forget the pathetic tune satan rejected my
> soul(maladjusted). can you believe that?

I liked that song for the first three times then I got bored of it. I can imagine Blink182 doing that song...

'Let The Right...' has that cheap sound, too. However, it's catchy.


forgot to add:

1. Youve Had Her
2. Sorrow Will Come In The End
3. Ambitious Outsiders
4. Cosmic Dancer
5. Let the Right One Slip In
> As for the Smiths:
> 1. (I know some will hate me for this!) How Soon Is Now?, its
> too played out!
I hate you for this.
> 2. Panic (cant stand the end of it)
I love this one.
> 3. I Keep Mine Hidden
This one is delightful.
Re: kill uncle

> I liked that song for the first three times then I got bored of
> it. I can imagine Blink182 doing that song...

Oh, please, don't say that. I'm gonna have terrible nightmares.

> 'Let The Right...' has that cheap sound, too. However, it's
> catchy.

I don't think Let the right... has a cheap sound. actually, i just think that satan rejected... has bad, bad lyrics. it's so pretentious. i miss a lot those ...tra la la la, wich were so usual in his past. remember the boy with the thorn... where ever is that morrissey?
Re: I can't believe somebody is agreeing with me!

> I am almost ashamed to say it was the only bad thing I wrote
> against him... the rest of the text was soooo... work of a crazy
> fan, you know? :)))

So what did you say in it? Can you possibly reprint it here? I'm sure everyone would love to read it
My picks for worst Morrissey songs...
1. Michael's Bones - too sad and slow, I usually forward past it.
2. Journalists Who Lie - I hate the tune
3. Tony the Pony
4. Yes, I am Blind
5. Pashernate Love

And my Favorites:
1. I can Have Both
2. Maladjusted
3. Lost
4. Sister, I'm a Poet
5. Skin Storm
i hope you beat the baggies today

My picks for worst Morrissey songs...
> 1. Michael's Bones - too sad and slow, I usually forward past
> it.
> 2. Journalists Who Lie - I hate the tune
> 3. Tony the Pony
> 4. Yes, I am Blind
> 5. Pashernate Love

> And my Favorites:
> 1. I can Have Both
> 2. Maladjusted
> 3. Lost
> 4. Sister, I'm a Poet
> 5. Skin Storm
As for the Smiths:
> 1. (I know some will hate me for this!) How Soon Is Now?, its
> too played out!
> 2. Panic (cant stand the end of it)
> 3. I Keep Mine Hidden

how odd, my friend is really starting to dig the smiths and one of the songs that she always wants to hear is "panic." oh well...i'm too biased anyway, i sincerely like everything so no votes from me for the worst morrissey or smiths song!

stay handsome,
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