Alternatives to morrissey-solo


Well-Known Member
Other Morrissey fansites

I am sure there is another thread for this, but which other Morrissey sites do you frequent?
What are the alternative Morrissey sites to this one?
What are the objections to those other sites (not open enough?)?
What does this site offer, specifically, that the other ones don't?
Can a new site be made with the above in mind?
There aren't any real alternatives to it, as a news source or a place for free discussion. Never have been, ever. And that's not just from a lack of competition but because of the commitment and editorial eye of davidt over the years. Considering that, maybe people should give him a break over the odd story or two they feel shouldn't be on the main page.
What are the alternative Morrissey sites to this one?
What are the objections to those other sites (not open enough?)?
What does this site offer, specifically, that the other ones don't?
Can a new site be made with the above in mind?
Yes, excellent idea!
I think a number of posters here need a fan site more to their liking.
This is not a fan site.
It is a discussion site.
There aren't any real alternatives to it, as a news source or a place for free discussion. Never have been, ever. And that's not just from a lack of competition but because of the commitment and editorial eye of davidt over the years. Considering that, maybe people should give him a break over the odd story or two they feel shouldn't be on the main page.

Damn, that took real guts to write that. A splendid post. I wholeheartedly agree.
Thanks for acknowledging that a couple choices that may be considered mistakes over the years are not definitive of the whole site. A lot is covered, sometimes I do make choices briefly skimming something or within a few minutes that I have before I need to be somewhere. If someone else wants to create something that extensive with perhaps some better technology, I welcome it!

There aren't any real alternatives to it, as a news source or a place for free discussion. Never have been, ever. And that's not just from a lack of competition but because of the commitment and editorial eye of davidt over the years. Considering that, maybe people should give him a break over the odd story or two they feel shouldn't be on the main page.
This is the only one , no other options....

Cheers Moz
I do think David has got to pull the story though, not just off of the main page, but off of the entire site. When I was reading that so-called article I felt like I was in the prescence of evil. That article is equivalent to something you would find on a white supremacist site, or any other hate site, in terms of how soulless it is and how evil it is. Its got to go. David has done so much, for so many Morrissey and Smiths fans over the years, that I would think the vast majority of Moz-Solo posters could forgive him. But he HAS GOT TO PULL this sham of an article. CrystalGeezer made a great point in another thread by labeling the article as "yellow journalism." Please, David just pull it. Honestly, it truly is an evil article.
I want to add, that seven and a half hours ago, I wrote more extensively on this in Maurice E. Mauher's (sp?) "poll thread" which is on the first page in General Discussion. My feelings on this are complicated but I always side with forgiveness. I've forgiven people many times in my life and people have been gracious enough to forgive me. Anyway, this site is a wonderful site, and its hard to see it imploding quite like this. I actually pretty much like the squabbles on this site and wish I had more guts to get in some of them. On the flip side of the coin I've crossed the line a couple of times, with not even planning too, and have lost friends on this site. People I really liked and respected even more. My Mom's side of the family is notorious for our bad tempers. Anyway, I'm rambling on. David, please just pull this article. Realitybites does make a very solid point about the "mob mentality" argument she's waging on another thread. I know, I know, everyone that is against Dame Bites IS on the right side of the argument but for Godsakes, enough is enough. David, please just pull the article and everyone else please try to extend an olive branch of forgiveness to the man who has given you access to so much pleasure for so many years. Enough is enough. (Please excuse spelling errors.)
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I'm no fan of the pedophile link, but I feel like it is a recurrent theme that the gripers treat this site as if it is David's daytime job. It is not and he provides an excellent service to Morrissey fans free of charge. Frankly, if I was doing this of my own volition and the Morality Police started telling me how to run my site, I'd say take it or leave it, warts and all. It's that easy. If you're getting bent out of shape over the content of a website - ANY website - no one is forcing you to view it. And if you can't look/walk away, you possibly should be reassessing your priorities.
I'm no fan of the pedophile link, but I feel like it is a recurrent theme that the gripers treat this site as if it is David's daytime job. It is not and he provides an excellent service to Morrissey fans free of charge. Frankly, if I was doing this of my own volition and the Morality Police started telling me how to run my site, I'd say take it or leave it, warts and all. It's that easy. If you're getting bent out of shape over the content of a website - ANY website - no one is forcing you to view it. And if you can't look/walk away, you possibly should be reassessing your priorities.

It's not that anyone is getting "bent out of shape" or that the links are offensive, it's that disseminating bs like that is actually dangerous in the current climate. This could have real consequences in the real world. Cliff Richard's house was searched by the police, who alerted the media before they even got there. People are now talking about Cliff as though he's guilty and it's plastered all over the news, and yet he hasn't even been accused of anything yet, let alone arrested or convicted.
This kind of shit builds into a whispering campaign online and before you know 'the authorities' are getting involved, the media is all over it, the person in question's reputation is f***ed regardless of guilt or innocence and it's beyond anyone's control. One cursory glance at that site shows it's full of shit, but none of that matters because shit like that sticks in the current climate.
David told me in a PM earlier today that he is considering taking it off the site. Lets see what happens.
I do think David has got to pull the story though, not just off of the main page, but off of the entire site. When I was reading that so-called article I felt like I was in the prescence of evil. That article is equivalent to something you would find on a white supremacist site, or any other hate site, in terms of how soulless it is and how evil it is. Its got to go. David has done so much, for so many Morrissey and Smiths fans over the years, that I would think the vast majority of Moz-Solo posters could forgive him. But he HAS GOT TO PULL this sham of an article. CrystalGeezer made a great point in another thread by labeling the article as "yellow journalism." Please, David just pull it. Honestly, it truly is an evil article.
If this is (indeed) a fan sight - I think all the people that come here have expressed a sincere desire to not be associated ... This is partly (I'll admit) - because, I believe Moz reads all of it, every word. His comments indicate he knows how people are responding to everything. It would be a really nice gesture to just about everyone (except for 'maybe A non E mouse' - who insists on being the biggest dick in the room)
The alternative is that David and Morrissey sit down with a mediator and end their war.
What are the alternative Morrissey sites to this one?
What are the objections to those other sites (not open enough?)?
What does this site offer, specifically, that the other ones don't?
Can a new site be made with the above in mind?

This is probably the main one -
Tseng's site (i.e. this one) became the default Morrissey fan site due to inertia/critical mass etc. Tseng was in the right place at the right time. That's all. is similar to this one but without the news page on the front - perhaps they could add one.
I used to come to this site lots then, when anonymous posting was allowed, I got really sick of it.
You can't post anonymously on the moderation is massively better, and the difference in tone is therefore vast. All the mods there can communicate in clear English, are good at moderating rather than stirring up trouble, and don't appear to hate (or at least strongly dislike) Morrissey as they seem to round here.
This is probably the main one -
Tseng's site (i.e. this one) became the default Morrissey fan site due to inertia/critical mass etc. Tseng was in the right place at the right time. That's all. is similar to this one but without the news page on the front - perhaps they could add one.
I used to come to this site lots then, when anonymous posting was allowed, I got really sick of it.
You can't post anonymously on the moderation is massively better, and the difference in tone is therefore vast. All the mods there can communicate in clear English, are good at moderating rather than stirring up trouble, and don't appear to hate (or at least strongly dislike) Morrissey as they seem to round here.

Moderation is massively better=we don't allow contentious stuff. Kittens and unicorns only.

No thanks.
This must be said and I hope the Mods let it through.

This user is a user that used to post here, left came back under another name. No big deal. He has admitted this. I know his M.O. - he is a Pollster and I recognize his types of polls and his tone. He is rude to anyone he sees as a threat to his King of Polls status.- a status he had, and lost. He is an a-hole and as far as I'm concerned should be grateful I am not outing him. Also, Polls Are Dead. Nobody cares.

This is probably the main one -
Tseng's site (i.e. this one) became the default Morrissey fan site due to inertia/critical mass etc. Tseng was in the right place at the right time. That's all. is similar to this one but without the news page on the front - perhaps they could add one.
I used to come to this site lots then, when anonymous posting was allowed, I got really sick of it.
You can't post anonymously on the moderation is massively better, and the difference in tone is therefore vast. All the mods there can communicate in clear English, are good at moderating rather than stirring up trouble, and don't appear to hate (or at least strongly dislike) Morrissey as they seem to round here.
I've put in a lot of time, on average 3 hours a day since the site started in 1997, into the creation of the site so I dispute your claim that's all there is to it. Anyone else willing to put that type of effort now? I doubt it. Maybe you don't really understand technology. Frankly, is a hosted forum site, I or just about anyone could probably set something like that up in a day or two.

Tseng's site (i.e. this one) became the default Morrissey fan site due to inertia/critical mass etc. Tseng was in the right place at the right time. That's all.
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