Boz and Wife Lyn opening record shop in Camden

can people still make $ with a record store in 2014? :confused:
regardless, good luck to them! :guitar:

I am not 100% sure, but there are a decent (I mean not one on every street corner, but more than you would guess) number of shops that sell exclusively vinyl. And there seems to more and more of them opening up. In fact, I'd dare say at this point there are more "vinyl" stores than normal music shops these days. I imagine since it is a niche market you have a chance to do well. But like I said I really don't know.
i don't want to be a downer but Camden, New Jersey is no place for a record shop. If I were him I'd open up a liquor store, bail bonds shop, or a Chinese takeaway.

Oh wait, this was Camden London UK.

My fault. Please carry on.
you am convinced that I are Officer Crabtree from the Allo Allo tv series


definately, as celibate pie made a celibate cry facebook with my email attached on my acount on Morrissey-solo.

gets over 50 invites a week, while my facebook only has 37 great facebookfriends.

' and they say I'm mentalli'.... hello David T, or moderators, this is criminal and got loads of spam, that's why other minor sites
spreading their wings, and bigger ... they want to be taken serious, some fun is OK, but there's a line
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definately, as celibate pie made a celibate cry facebook with my email attached on my acount on Morrissey-solo.

gets over 50 invites a week, while my facebook only has 37 great facebookfriends.

' and they say I'm mentalli'.... hello David T, or moderators, this is criminal and got loads of spam, that's why other minor sites
spreading their wings, and bigger ... they want to be taken serious, some fun is OK, but there's a line

"I rest my case" !

Being a shopkeeper with his missus really does make more sense than all this accidental fame...

Can you not see the 19th century Boorers, a poor but honest (of course) couple, selling knick knacks and whatsits on the streets of Camden...And the 20th century Boorers, a couple of well-off yet modest (naturally) Primrose Hill greengrocers (-see the apron?-) :
it was only a matter of time...Wasn't it?
Boz is an awesome guy, a wonderful person with a kind heart full of fidelity. Lyn is hysterically funny and seems to take over any room she's in (in the best kind of way). Great people, haven't seen either in years and I wish I could go by the store, hopefully someday. I have only spoken with Boz at length, and he was a virtual music encyclopedia. (Even this former crazed moz fan could tell that...) Best of luck, guys!!!
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