For Britain's Anne Marie Waters thanks Morrissey in video message

“Estrogen filled banter” haha belter. Check the thread tho douche bag, it was bang on topic till GEM showed up.

Btw you’re the biggest bitch on here, you trolled me for months, I’ve only just took you off ignore.
No one trolled you, dipshit. You just have a tendency to lure people into childish feuds and bring out the worst in them. Put me back on ignore, cause last time I recall sending you into an emo meltdown.

Ha! You made her look just like Charlie Chaplin ! :thumb:
Morrissey, are you kidding me? Really, you're posting a “thank you” video from this bigot in female clothing? The Mexican/Morrissey connection has left ⬅️ the building. OMG, so glad I didn’t buy tickets to your show in “Orange Curtain” (a former Red District in CA), I meant Orange County.

Dear Morrissey,

Please don’t let them use you like this!

Anne Marie just wants you to sell her hot cakes! then they’ll just throw you away! don’t trust any of them!

Please don’t let them use you like this!

Anne Marie just wants you to sell her hot cakes! then they’ll just throw you away! don’t trust any of them!

Yeah, For Britain is going to dump Morrissey for a more famous celebrity at the first opportunity. Moz better hope that Noel Gallagher doesn't get redpilled and become a right-winger or else Moz is out the door.
This is where we are. f*** racism, f*** Morrissey.
Isn’t it interesting when you look at posts on here from Americans who don’t really understand how our British minds work when it comes to that overused and troublesome word racist. For all you American fans you must have now picked up on the fact that we are all gagged and one wrong word in our society, yes one wrong word means you are now unemployed and unemployable. I now know why British society is knackered, people are terrified to interact with each other as fear of a single word thrown in your direction means your reputation and career is well and truly over
Dear Morrissey,

Please don’t let them use you like this!

Anne Marie just wants you to sell her hot cakes! then they’ll just throw you away! don’t trust any of them!

Morrissey is certainly more popular than this woman who sells pins... And certainly the Mporium sells more pins in a day than her webshop can aspire to sell in a decade.

... And she doesn't get the #1 rule when it comes to Morrissey and politicians: he has a tendency to keep his opinions for some weeks and, in the best case, two months... Would you be really surprised if Morrissey says in a month that For Britain is no longer relevant? I wouldn't.

I think this woman should take the free promotion of her pins shop with a lot of caution... For it won't take too long for us to listen to her singing "Moz, why have you forsaken me?"
Isn’t it interesting when you look at posts on here from Americans who don’t really understand how our British minds work when it comes to that overused and troublesome word racist. For all you American fans you must have now picked up on the fact that we are all gagged and one wrong word in our society, yes one wrong word means you are now unemployed and unemployable. I now know why British society is knackered, people are terrified to interact with each other as fear of a single word thrown in your direction means your reputation and career is well and truly over

You can call it what you like, but it's an undeniable pattern of behaviour and commentary from Morrissey over the years that has led him to his natural home of these bigots. The difference between racists and such as myself, is that if I walk down the streets and proclaim my beliefs loudly, I won't get arrested. If they were being honest with themselves, and had the guts to do so, racists doing the same would get arrested. Why is it then that you hardly ever see someone espousing those beliefs saying "Yes I meant it, I hate brown people and I don't care who knows it"? Because we have laws against such things, and racists are cowards.

The question here is what does Morrissey value more - money or bigotry? Both have had powerful sway in his life, and it will be interesting to see if, having noticed where these public views are taking him, if he does the reverse ferret and at some point expresses his horror that he never knew what For Britain's members and views were actually like, and please, the concert-going public, can I have some more of your money?
Racist wankers deserve hate.

Islam isn’t a race, it’s a set of horrible ideas that people choose to follow. Ideas that we can not let become the majority. I find Islam offensive to homosexuals and females, these barbaric ideas must be stopped. You’re the terrible person for defending them.
You can call it what you like, but it's an undeniable pattern of behaviour and commentary from Morrissey over the years that has led him to his natural home of these bigots. The difference between racists and such as myself, is that if I walk down the streets and proclaim my beliefs loudly, I won't get arrested. If they were being honest with themselves, and had the guts to do so, racists doing the same would get arrested. Why is it then that you hardly ever see someone espousing those beliefs saying "Yes I meant it, I hate brown people and I don't care who knows it"? Because we have laws against such things, and racists are cowards.

The question here is what does Morrissey value more - money or bigotry? Both have had powerful sway in his life, and it will be interesting to see if, having noticed where these public views are taking him, if he does the reverse ferret and at some point expresses his horror that he never knew what For Britain's members and views were actually like, and please, the concert-going public, can I have some more of your money?

You don’t even realize how dumb you are. It’s not about race it’s about the religion! If the whole religion were lily white Irish and believe gays should die I would dislike the ideas all the same. Think for yourself for once. I hope you can look a gay man in the face and tell him that you choose Islam over his right to peace, you mind controlled punk.
It is student season in Sweden ahead of the graduations and several young swedes have posted offensive videos where they eat or throw out the Koran from school libraries during Ramadan. This had lead to these kids being threatened online where some muslims even offer money for info promising to murder them and their family and doing all kinds of other things in the process.

Islam, the religion of love. We all know what is coming soon and are you ready?
Also, throwing the f***ing Quran out the window during Ramadan and disrespecting Islam’s customs isn’t very loving either, you goddamn hypocrite.
Also, throwing the f***ing Quran out the window during Ramadan and disrespecting Islam’s customs isn’t very loving either, you goddamn hypocrite.

If I wrote a book with all the nastiness of Islam you would probably want it in the trash, but for some reasons it’s okay for the Quran. Why is this?
For Britain would not be considered extreme by the standards of American politics. The platform that Trump ran on in 2016 was far more radical than For Britain's party platform. They are only called "Far Right" in Britain because the British are hopelessly cucked. In America, Anne Marie Waters would be considered a standard Trumpian.
This is basically true, but also feckin obvious. Think it's what the kids call twatsplaining.
for britain

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