Galaxy 500 (no Moz)

  • Thread starter Librarian on Fire
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Librarian on Fire

More of a reference for The Magic Fairy and Ruffian. The new album by Scottish band Ballboy titled "The Sash My Father Wore", has a very very lovely cover of Galaxy 500's "Tell Me". It's a superb cover. Deep rich cello throughout and Gordon's singing is top notch. It's a song which commands you to sit down and listen to it intensely. Not to listen to it while doing the washing up. It's worth buying the album on the strength of this song.

Gordon's a ginger by the way.
Galaxie 500 covers on the ""Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before" compilation

> More of a reference for The Magic Fairy and Ruffian. The new album by
> Scottish band Ballboy titled "The Sash My Father Wore", has a
> very very lovely cover of Galaxy 500's "Tell Me". It's a superb
> cover. Deep rich cello throughout and Gordon's singing is top notch.

There's also quite a good cover version of "Tell Me" performed by The Tyde on the "Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before" compilation (Rough Trade 25 year anniversary compilation - didn't we have one of those last year ? ) It's one of two Galaxie 500 covers included - British Sea Power also do "Tugboat".
> More of a reference for The Magic Fairy and Ruffian. The new album by
> Scottish band Ballboy...
Peel's been playing their cover of "Born in the USA" recently. Suddenly the lyrics make some sense; Springsteen's version seems to have one huge chorus and some other bits you don't remember. I know which version I prefer. I haven't got the album (yet) but Peel's played quite a feel tracks. It does tend to sound the same as their earlier stuff though.

Currently playing: The Frank & Walters "Grand Parade"

> Peel's been playing their cover of "Born in the USA" recently.
> Suddenly the lyrics make some sense; Springsteen's version seems to have
> one huge chorus and some other bits you don't remember. I know which
> version I prefer. I haven't got the album (yet) but Peel's played quite a
> feel tracks. It does tend to sound the same as their earlier stuff though.

> Currently playing: The Frank & Walters "Grand Parade"

Now The Frank and Walters was a now you see them now you don't kind of band. I picked up two of their last albums, and they're really quite good. I still like "This Is Not A Song". I often would get them and Dodgy mixed up.

The Ballboy album does sound very much in the same vein as their other works, although this one does seem a little darker lyrically.

Do you have a album of the year MF?
> More of a reference for The Magic Fairy and Ruffian. The new album by
> Scottish band Ballboy titled "The Sash My Father Wore", has a
> very very lovely cover of Galaxy 500's "Tell Me". It's a superb

Thanks LoF.. I missed the chance to see Ballboy a couple of weeks back. It was a showcase night for the label.. Strange Fruit. It included the mighty Spearmint.

Now if they covered 'Listen, the snow is falling', I'd like that.

> Gordon's a ginger by the way.

Quick, grate a carrot on his head.

I am currently reading Steve Lamacq's 'Going Deaf For A Living'. Your enthusism for live gigs is en par with his.
Have you read this book? I highly recommend it.
Re: Lamacq, pubes and Stourbridge

> Ruff
> I am currently reading Steve Lamacq's 'Going Deaf For A Living'. Your
> enthusism for live gigs is en par with his.
> Have you read this book? I highly recommend it.

Thanks Bluey.. True Blue, electric blue.. that's the colour of my room..
I may have to purchase a copy of lamacqus book.. I am a junkie for the world of live performance I admit.. it's where I BELONG! Sticky floored mosh pits.. Patrick may have kicked down the doors.. but I kept them ajar for all those baggy panted indie kids with pimples,showing off their pubes in their low slung jeans! Which is not a bad thing!

Anyway, to Stourbridge?.. you up for that gig then? Sure we can twist the King of conventionalty out for a night? Show him how to whip it real good?

Re: Lamacq, pubes and Stourbridge

> Anyway, to Stourbridge?.. you up for that gig then? Sure we can twist the
> King of conventionalty out for a night? Show him how to whip it real good?

Ooohhh, I can't see why not. It would be an education to go to Stourbridge. I went there once and it was closed. At least, I think it was.

After we could get the number 9 bus into Brum. I'll have a word with A Covert Op. I'm sure she'll let us crash at hers.

Try to resist the urge to wear a Ned's t-shirt, won't you.
> Do you have a album of the year MF?
To be honest LoF, I don't tend to buy many new albums. Nothing really appeals to me, or stuff that I would like is too obscure to reach my ears. The only new albums I've acquired this year are by The White Stripes, Super Furry Animals, Beachbuggy and British Sea Power. My fave purchase of the year is probably the Byrds "Younger Than Yesterday", which I finally bought after a long period of meaning to.

Indeed, we all must be getting a bit older. Even the new Camera Obscura album has let me down. Lovely in some places, but it just doesn't sit quite comfortable as a album for me. My days of living off an album all day long are waning. They just don't make 'em like the Popguns these days.
> Indeed, we all must be getting a bit older. Even the new Camera Obscura
> album has let me down. Lovely in some places, but it just doesn't sit
> quite comfortable as a album for me. My days of living off an album all
> day long are waning. They just don't make 'em like the Popguns these days.

Last weekend I found a stash of old music papers from 1989-93 at my parents' house. I've been pouring over them for research purposes for my websites. Damn, it makes me nostalgic... nostalgia for the days when I went to indie discos... when I didn't look 15 years older than most of the others there... when I would recognise almost every song they played... nostaligia for the days when I went to gigs a bit more frequently than the current once a year... and there were lots of live venues around... nostalgia for the days when jumping in the car and driving 50 miles to see a band was a regular thing instead of the military operation that it has now become...

On the plus side, I'm going to see The Fall in Preston on Friday. First gig in 12 months for me!

> Last weekend I found a stash of old music papers from 1989-93 at my
> parents' house. I've been pouring over them for research purposes for my
> websites. Damn, it makes me nostalgic... nostalgia for the days when I
> went to indie discos... when I didn't look 15 years older than most of the
> others there... when I would recognise almost every song they played...
> nostaligia for the days when I went to gigs a bit more frequently than the
> current once a year... and there were lots of live venues around...
> nostalgia for the days when jumping in the car and driving 50 miles to see
> a band was a regular thing instead of the military operation that it has
> now become...

> On the plus side, I'm going to see The Fall in Preston on Friday. First
> gig in 12 months for me!



Can you do me a favour and post your thoughts on The Fall gog on here at some point ?. I won't be able to get to any of these gigs but would like to hear your views.

I am really impressed with their new album,


> Hi TMF,

> Can you do me a favour and post your thoughts on The Fall gog on here at
> some point ?. I won't be able to get to any of these gigs but would like
> to hear your views.

Yeah, sure. I haven't seen them live for... gawd, YEARS! Not since Phoenix 95 maybe. That's criminal. There's some comments on the current tour on the official website forum. I've put the link below.

> I am really impressed with their new album,

I'd better pick up a copy this week myself. I've heard most of the tracks on John Peel anyway and they sound pretty good to me.


Fall tour discussion
> Yeah, sure. I haven't seen them live for... gawd, YEARS! Not since Phoenix
> 95 maybe. That's criminal. There's some comments on the current tour on
> the official website forum. I've put the link below.

> I'd better pick up a copy this week myself. I've heard most of the tracks
> on John Peel anyway and they sound pretty good to me.


I,ve seen them a few times in recent year, in classy places such as the Withchwood in Ashton and at some free festivals. They even played at Jilly's Rock World a couple of years ago. I think they are probably the most credibe band to come out of Manchester (appart from maybe the Smiths, and I also notice that Jarvis Cocker looks uncannyly like Mark E Smith now. I particularly enjoyed his collaberation with Clint Boon re-hashing the Stooges "I wanna be your dog". I think I will go to preston seen as I am from Lancs. Is it at the Preston Poly?

FAO Micky

Nice to see you've dipped your foot into the Moz discussion pool
Will be in touch soon.

> I,ve seen them a few times in recent year, in classy places such as the
> Withchwood in Ashton and at some free festivals. They even played at
> Jilly's Rock World a couple of years ago. I think they are probably the
> most credibe band to come out of Manchester (appart from maybe the Smiths,
> and I also notice that Jarvis Cocker looks uncannyly like Mark E Smith
> now. I particularly enjoyed his collaberation with Clint Boon re-hashing
> the Stooges "I wanna be your dog". I think I will go to preston
> seen as I am from Lancs. Is it at the Preston Poly?

> Micky
> Yeah, sure. I haven't seen them live for... gawd, YEARS! Not since Phoenix
> 95 maybe. That's criminal. There's some comments on the current tour on
> the official website forum. I've put the link below.

> I'd better pick up a copy this week myself. I've heard most of the tracks
> on John Peel anyway and they sound pretty good to me.


I'm sure you'll love it. I have seen some really bad Fall gigs over the years and also some brilliant ones.

I saw them last yearin Edinburgh and they were fantastic ! It's no coincidence that Smith seemed more sober than I can ever remember.

He no longer seems to stumble onto stage with plastic bags full of lyrics but yes...he does mess about with the guitarists' amps when they are not looking

Have a good 'un. Hopefully he'l play "We Are Sparta F.C" at the gig.
Re: FAO Micky

> Nice to see you've dipped your foot into the Moz discussion pool
> Will be in touch soon.

Re: To the Fall guys

> I'm sure you'll love it. I have seen some really bad Fall gigs over the
> years and also some brilliant ones.

> He no longer seems to stumble onto stage with plastic bags full of lyrics
> but yes...he does mess about with the guitarists' amps when they are not
> looking

> Have a good 'un. Hopefully he'l play "We Are Sparta F.C" at the
> gig.

I have never been attracted to the harsh and sometimes (to me) tuneless ramblings of the Fall.. but, happy to accommodate your recommendations. So, what's the best starting point to access the albums etc.. I know they've been prolific over the years and there is much to choose from!

Re: To the Fall guys

> I have never been attracted to the harsh and sometimes (to me) tuneless
> ramblings of the Fall.. but, happy to accommodate your recommendations.
> So, what's the best starting point to access the albums etc.. I
> know they've been prolific over the years and there is much to choose
> from!

Go for the 2000 album "The Unutterable". It's their most accessible thing since in years. Failing that, "Shift-work" is quite tuneful. For the early stuff, "Grotesque (After the Gramme)" gets my vote.

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