Girlfriend In A Coma @ Ottobar, Baltimore (this could be the last time)


GIAC announced last month that we're folding our tent. This could be our last show in Baltimore. Friday, August 22nd.


Correction - next Friday in Baltimore WILL be our last show. There WILL NOT be any future shows.


I've gotta ask... not to be rude but how can a cover band have artistic differences when you are simply covering someone elses songs? Just cover the songs.
Dang, I was hoping you'd come to Chicago someday... :tears:

I hope you can work thru your differences and 'keep the dream real'... :)
I've gotta ask... not to be rude but how can a cover band have artistic differences when you are simply covering someone elses songs? Just cover the songs.

Well, yes, that's kind of the point. I don't see it as art at all. My other band has gone all original and I can't reconcile playing Morrissey in a tribute band whether it's the greatest one on the planet or just my block.
Add the fact that since the bands beginning there has been a resistance to adding material or, more to the point, deeper cuts(this band is largely a hit parade). Considering that's what most Smiths fans want to hear and being the only true Smiths devotee in the band....I gotta call that, on some level, artistic difference.

Well, yes, that's kind of the point. I don't see it as art at all. My other band has gone all original and I can't reconcile playing Morrissey in a tribute band whether it's the greatest one on the planet or just my block.
Add the fact that since the bands beginning there has been a resistance to adding material or, more to the point, deeper cuts(this band is largely a hit parade). Considering that's what most Smiths fans want to hear and being the only true Smiths devotee in the band....I gotta call that, on some level, artistic difference.


dis be poo poo news. :tears:
Yeah, it is--all the more so because I can't go to that Baltimore show. :tears:

Maybe I'll just have to drive up to Philly whenever the Sons + Heirs play there.

I'd go if you or bogz was goin. I don't know anyone else in Baltimore!! :mad:

I know you dont live in Baltimore, but you know what i mean. yeah...
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