

full time moz fan
why standing only ? i myself couldn't stand up for a full concert so i wont be going very disappointed, does he not think of his disabled fans
why standing only ? i myself couldn't stand up for a full concert so i wont be going very disappointed, does he not think of his disabled fans

You should try and contact the G-Mex. It would be pretty appalling if they didn't cater for the disabled. I'm not sure that they aren't legally obliged to help you out where possible.
why standing only ? i myself couldn't stand up for a full concert so i wont be going very disappointed, does he not think of his disabled fans


I don't know you as much as you don't know me however, this topic is very, very close to my heart and I felt compelled to respond and hopefully help. I'm sort of an advocate in assisting clients whom are MICA (mentally ill chemically addicted) , victims of Domestic Violence (I have personal experiences from my own life) and victims of fires/burn victims.

However, getting back to your topic, I really hope that you can get in contact w/ the GMEX. Either e-mail, phone or go to the box office (or ask a family member/friend to do it for you). Maybe you could go w/ that person to the box office too, so that you could speak to a manager.

If you absolutely can't get any action maybe, you can talk to a representative in your community to assist you. Check out your phone book under social services, human services, community assistance and human resources. Maybe your community has a committee (like a board of directors/social services) or services that could enable you and others.

By you making a connection, this could be an opening for others in your position enabling and helping them.

I sincerely and truly hope you'll receive services and have a blast at the gig! :) Good luck and Best Wishes! :)
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I don't know what the situation is in the UK but over here in Holland the bigger venues are obliged to have a platform for wheelchairs - they sell seperate tickets for that. There are always some extra "normal" chairs there as well on the platform. Best to ring gmex I suppose. Good luck!!
i have been intouch with the gemex and they were very helpful, i only ask if the gig was standing only, you see i have rheumatoid arthritis in most my bones but i'm still quite young and i dont need a wheel chair yet just pain killers , i would asume it would only count if you were wheel chair bound, but thank you for your concern
I would have thought that under the auspices of the recently ammended Disability Discrimination Act, that the Gmex had a duty to make "reasonable" steps to accommodate the needs of clients with requirements such as yours. The very fact that the Labour Party has only just held it's Annual Conference at the Gmex/MICC, would mean that they would have been DDA compliant.

It would be a shame for you to miss out.
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I am disabled and cannot stand for any length of time, I have asked the g-mex for a disabled seat which they have provided. Apparently its an area to one side which only the disabled are allowed to use. Hope this helps.
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Every gig I've been to at G-Mex that was standing had a raised level platform for wheelchair users and their guest. They have one at places like the Academy too which is also only standing.
As said above, with discriminatory laws in existence they couldn't put on a gig of this size and not provide suitable access - however, not all disabled people use wheelchairs as stated in this point.
Manchester city council will licence the event - contact their licensing department (entertainment section) and enquire there. The main council number is 0161 234 5000.
Good luck and keep us posted.

The Goat
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The very fact that the Labour Party has only just held it's Annual Conference at the Gmex/MICC, would mean that they would have been DDA compliant.

There you go - they cater fully for the blind, deaf and mentally challenged members of our community!

The Goat
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There you go - they cater fully for the blind, deaf and mentally challenged members of our community!

The Goat

Oh how droll... I couldn't let the Labour Party-mentally challenged link go un-noticed.

Keep the red flag flying, I say. Now, where did I put those valium...? Oh, that's right - just next to the diazepam...
Oh how droll... I couldn't let the Labour Party-mentally challenged link go un-noticed.

Keep the red flag flying, I say. Now, where did I put those valium...? Oh, that's right - just next to the diazepam...

Years ago when our MP was elected I went to his victory party (Well, I've moved since then, but it was Terry Rooney) - As I sat there with the cameras flashing I felt soooooo out of place. Vote Green.

i have been intouch with the gemex and they were very helpful, i only ask if the gig was standing only, you see i have rheumatoid arthritis in most my bones but i'm still quite young and i dont need a wheel chair yet just pain killers , i would asume it would only count if you were wheel chair bound, but thank you for your concern


I have the same thing, aged 21. You're not disabled, just ill. And arthritis is joints, not bones.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Years ago when our MP was elected I went to his victory party (Well, I've moved since then, but it was Terry Rooney) - As I sat there with the cameras flashing I felt soooooo out of place. Vote Green.


Going a bit off-topic I guess, but....Terry Rooney's a strange one. I find him a little bit arrogant/aloof in 'large' meetings - with the public, media, council, etc - but when I've had one-to-ones with him I find him quite pleasant + helpful. A bit strange that - other MPs tend to be the other way round, if anything: not having enough time to do 1-2-1s, etc.

Anyway, back to the (albeit secondary) point (apologies if I've hi-jacked this thread everyone): the Labour Party, although now somewhat removed from both its policies and policy-making procedures of, say, 20 yrs ago, remains the only mainstream political party with a serious chance of representing + helping, in a just + equitable way, the majority of working people in this country; and, while it may not be ideal, retains some of its principles + objectives (yes - I'm sure that they are still there somewhere!).

In a rare glimpse of my glass being half-full, rather than half-empty, I suppose I am hopeful of the party, sooner or later, 'reverting' back to some of its past policies that were a bit more supportive towards the working class. (I think I could be opening a can or worms here, so I'll end there.)
i take your remarks personally i'm double your age and some i have had arthritis from the age of 17 and yes it is of the joints my mistake and over the years it as gone from bad to worse i only hope when you get to my age they find a cure for you illybett
Re: 'Working class'?

"Working class" does such a thing actually exist today ?

Oh no! I hope that not everyone falls into the Prescott ideology - "we're all middle class now."

Or, to the tune of the 'Red Flag' - "The working class can kiss my ass, I've got the foreman's job at last!"

Tricky subject, class, isn't it? I suppose I must fall into the un-reconstructed dinosaur group of thinking that some of us, despite earning above the national average, or having a Level 5 education (i.e. higher than a first degree), or other such measurements, remain working class and will continue to do so in spite of other improvements or 'progressions'.

I know other threads on the site have led to similar debates ('Left or Right' I think it was, that springs to mind), and i think I'm in a minority (of one?) here.
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