It's official: if your favourite Moz album is V&I, you're a boring bastard

I am beyond ready to agree. I love that album but the harping about a record that I quaked in fear over in a record shop 12 years ago is exhausting. Feel free to enjoy the present. It's nice that you hold it to such a high standard but you may be letting your present get held up a bit. ROTT is a f***ing joy!!!
it's not LOVING it that I have an issue with

It's the fact most of these people only say it because they think it's the right thing to say to look "cool."

I love V&I but like all his albums, it has weaker moments and some very dull songs like the appalling "hold On To Your Friends"

You can't dismiss a fantastic album (which I believe ringleader is) and cite 3 or 4 not-quite-brilliant songs as your entire argument against it.

I could say "oh vauxhall is bland, it's so bland and quite tuneless, and the lyrics are so self-pitying "i've been stabbed on the back so many times I don't have any skin but that's just the way it goes" - i mean COME ON! The only decent songs are now my heart and spring heeled jim. Too much filler. Sweet Boy sounds like a bside - and WAS in fact the more you ignore me's bside... lazy sunbathers is dial a cliche part II... etc etc. Billy Budd is tuneless and doesn't fit the overall mood."

anyone can type up a few crappy half-arsed arguments against any album.
You are so right there...
Re: Well, if make a list there's got to be a number one.

And there's a reasonable case for it being Vauxhall. But I'm puzzled by the massive gap in quality that some fans seem to believe exists between that and the two following albums. Can't see it myself. But it's all about opinions - except for the fact that Vauxhall has the best combination of opening and closing songs, I believe this has been scientifically proven.
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