John Bindon / Maladjusted


The ITV documentary on John Bindon was aired last night again. The 'Ranelagh Yacht Club' where the fight took place that nearly killed John Bindon and where the Johnny Darke was killed (allegedly murdered by Bindon) was identified as 74 Station Approach (in a railway Arch) so I has a look at it this morning. It's no longer a club of any sort.

Curiously, it's just a short walk from the Sony BMG HQ (& RCA label which Southpaw was released on).

To my mind the whole of Maladjusted seems now to be about John Bindon:

Trouble Loves Me
Satan Rejected My Soul
etc etc all seem to be about him now.
I saw this too (though fell asleep before the end!). Thought his partner looked quite tasty even now!
Was interesting seeing the private films of Ronnie + Reggie that they showed.

The Goat
From Wikipedia: "In 1968, he was awarded a police bravery medal for diving off Putney Bridge into the River Thames to rescue a drowning man. He had thrown this man into the river himself but the police witness did not spot this."
Yes, a former friend said that on the programme.
He was laughing at how he got a police bravery award for diving in and saving the man, then paused and said 'what the cops didn't know was he threw him in in the first place'!

I have seen 'Get Carter' (the original one not that stupid 'Stallone' remake a few years ago) many times and didn't realise Bindon was in it.

The Goat
The ITV documentary on John Bindon was aired last night again. The 'Ranelagh Yacht Club' where the fight took place that nearly killed John Bindon and where the Johnny Darke was killed (allegedly murdered by Bindon) was identified as 74 Station Approach (in a railway Arch) so I has a look at it this morning. It's no longer a club of any sort.

Curiously, it's just a short walk from the Sony BMG HQ (& RCA label which Southpaw was released on).

To my mind the whole of Maladjusted seems now to be about John Bindon:

Trouble Loves Me
Satan Rejected My Soul
etc etc all seem to be about him now.

I came across this by chance, it was a good programme!
That fight at the club was pretty gruesome and it was unbelievable how they got him over to Ireland.

I'm off down to London next week for the first time in 2 years, I wonder if Mad Frankie Frazer still catches the bus on Camberwell Road?
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