Jonathan Ross tweets about cheering Morrissey up

Re: Wossy "cheers Morrissey up" ??

Moz was recently moaning on TTY about not getting any offers to do TV, so I reckon we can put 2 and 2 together here.
I'm hoping he sings a Miley Cyrus number and does a little twerking against Boz....
How about he goes straight for the throat and belts out a fantastic rendition of 'Kiss me a lot'? That would surprise a few people as they ram fig rolls down their throats and argue over whose turn it is to make the tea.
But seriously my money would be on 'world peace' and it really is a great song. Epic album overall. Will never tire of listening to it. I don't care what song he picks (if he does indeed appear on TV). Even one of the bonus songs would be excellent. 'Drag the river' would be amazing, but I know I'm dreaming.
It is entirely possible Ross cheered Morrissey up by sending him a box of Bath Olivers and a windup tin robot. Talk of a TV spot is slightly premature.
If he sings on TV, I think it will be the title track and either Istanbul or Kiss Me A Lot

The performance will conclude with a spoken word version of Staircase At The University
Wossy is a bit of a bellswell, but we have to remember he gave us the finest musical tv moment ever.

Good god, YES. Thank you for posting that, I haven't seen it in years. Perfection, really.

I agree with those who've suggested Kiss Me a Lot when/if we get a television performance in the coming months. Staircase seems unlikely, but I'd guess the title track or Istanbul would be contenders...
joking though you might be it would be cool imo to see him do a spoken word version or a reading if you will of one of the songs though id prefer im not a man. the spoken word videos were the best part of the promotional push
If Moz wants to sell a shitload of records and improve the album's chances, he should sing either Staircase or Kiss Me A Lot.
Preferably both.
I don't blame Moz for feeling a bit deflated. He released a fantastic album (a 'monster' as he put it himself) and the radio stations are too dumb to play it, and there was no fanfare. He should have been on some TV shows but they were too dim witted to invite him. It really is a disgrace. His best album in years and probably only the die hards will know. That's no way to add to your audience.
And on the other hand you see mediocre shit or absolute offal making it onto the airwaves and having success even though the music is vile and the lead singers have the charisma of a dead donkey abandoned on the top of Croagh Patrick. The world is a strange place populated by boring sheep-people whose only desire is to be led through life by people thicker than themselves. Ah well, at least I have the 'World Peace' deluxe CD to cheer me up, and the prospect of a Moz concert in Ireland later in the year.

This is what press agents, PR teams, and proper managers are for.

Because he doesn't employ these sorts, we don't see him in the media. Morrissey's latest LP wasn't strong enough for the media world to beat a path to his door this time around. This is why it looks like he's playing catch-up a month after its release. Hot Press today, Jonathan Ross tomorrow (maybe). He probably thought the name "Morrissey" would be enough.

The people at Harvest were probably pulling their hair out over his lack of pre-publicity.
I would vote for Istanbul. That song is perfection. Kiss Me A Lot really might change some of the dreaded "Pope of Mope" crap that is said by people that do not understand Morrissey. The album is fantastic. VIVA MOZ!!!!
Wossy is the best. If he did offer, Morrissey and the band will definitely show.

I vote for "Staircase at the University" and "Earth is the Loneliest Planet".

Yes, I know. I am the only person in the world who likes "Earth is the Loneliest Planet",
which is why the song would be so appropo.
Wossy is the best. If he did offer, Morrissey and the band will definitely show.

I vote for "Staircase at the University" and "Earth is the Loneliest Planet".

Yes, I know. I am the only person in the world who likes "Earth is the Loneliest Planet",
which is why the song would be so appropo.

Great parody about Moz on the Jonathan Ross Show, with these songs-
I'm still shocked that he didn't become a massive star in the early/mid '90s as it really felt for a (very) short time that it was going to happen. I tend to blame the shifting taste in the US around that time away from "college" rock toward grunge and Pearl Jam and all of that kind of stuff. A lot of bands that seemed poised for mainstream breakthroughs (I'd also include the Banshees in that group, right on the heels of Superstition) just sort of fell away from the collective consciousness of the general MTV audience almost as soon as they'd made their appearances. I felt like everything I was interested in musically was getting snubbed once Nirvana et al walked on the scene, not just Morrissey.

This is a nice hypothesis, and probably right. But I also like to think that Moz was destined for the more refined musical palate (like ours!:cool:), that he really couldn't ever make it as a global pop star. For one thing, he never had a sense for current musical trends. I guess Stephen Street would have been his conduit, but then you have the problem of the clever and beautiful, but deeply idiosyncratic, lyrics that just won't connect to a broader public. "Everyday" and "Ignore Me" are arguably the two most radio friendly songs, but references to bombing seaside towns and stabs at high-court judges don't make for massively successful pop songs (though I remember watching the video for "Ignore Me" on the Canadian equivalent of MTV - it was in constant rotation. It did feel at the time like he had a chance to break through). And then there's the voice - the sweet sound of song birds pouring out of the mouth of an angel for you and me, irritating and weirdly overwrought for many others.

As we know, the indie bands of the 80s like the Pixies and the Smiths were the primary influences for what became grunge in the US and Britpop in the UK. In a cruel ironic twist, it was his band's musical legacy that overshadowed his later career. But Morrissey is as sui generis as they come. He's really very special - on the far end of the Bell curve for many traits, not the least of which are emotional sensitivity and intelligence. These traits are just not that common among the pop music buying public:p.
This is what press agents, PR teams, and proper managers are for.

Because he doesn't employ these sorts, we don't see him in the media. Morrissey's latest LP wasn't strong enough for the media world to beat a path to his door this time around. This is why it looks like he's playing catch-up a month after its release. Hot Press today, Jonathan Ross tomorrow (maybe). He probably thought the name "Morrissey" would be enough.

The people at Harvest were probably pulling their hair out over his lack of pre-publicity.

That's what I was thinking. I think he (and Harvest?) overestimated the power of his 'comeback' alone. I can't help but wonder how much bigger he would be if he didn't have the reputation for being difficult/unreliable, etc.?

On one hand, he is so proud that he's played the game HIS way. Yet complains about the lack of chart placement, TV show appearances and so forth. WPINOYB is a solid effort - IMHO - it's really sad to see it make such a small dent.
He could sing the theme song from "Spongebob Squarepants" for all I care. I'll be there. I just want to see the boy healthy.

Who goes to Hollywood and stays at the Sunset Marquee?
devious truculent and unreliable is he…
I tuned my radio to Absolute the other day just as 'Kiss Me A Lot' was playing and it just sounded right. I personally think it would lighten his image and win him some new fans :) I would be over-excited to see him sing it live aswell :p

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