Morrissey Image change


Sorry,can`t post a link as got a jippy computer...but under Morrissey on Yahoo news it says he`s gonna get a new image revamp when the next album is released..hehe:Dmy mind is working overtime on exactly what this could possibly mean?My mind is starting to boggle i.e shaggy perm.Ofcourse it doesn`t really mean his actual physical image but it made me chuckle.
But now the star has allegedly expressed a desire to cover comedic works by Victorian composers GILBERT AND SULLIVAN, who are famed for operas like THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE and THE MIKADO. Producer TONY VISCONTI confirms, "Morrissey would love to sing Gilbert and Sullivan."

Oh Christ....
It hopefully is a misquote.. or someone stretching the truth? I just googled G&S and came up with the lyrics to "Kind Captain, I've important information", a song featuring a character called Dick Deadeye. This surely means that A DUET WITH THOM YORKE IS IMMINENT!! (See, it's easy to stretch things....)

(That's really mean I know, I apoligise but was trying to make some sort of point about how some articles without a grain of truth appear).

Or perhaps Visconti meant ???
It was on one of the radio interviews Visconti did. The interviewer actually suggested Morrissey should do Gilbert and Sullivan and Visconti said something like "I'm sure he'd love to". It was really just a polite response and didn't sound like it was something Visconti had ever discussed with Morrissey.
Image change? Like some of you I don't expect him to change his hair or clothing style, not like that, I am thinking he is trying to change his mainstream appeal (or create it in the first place :rolleyes: ), try to find his place in the music industry. I think maybe he wants to get in a pattern, not in a negativite repetitive way, just no more 7 year gaps between albums, more like finding a consistent flow of an album every 1.5 years or something. So, if this is true but I doubt it, I think it might actually have a positive effect on his his music and his career, even if he needs a bit of readjustment time.
Don't believe the hype!!:) Jk! He may or may not change his image, but that Yahoo info is a good way to draw up interest in him!:rolleyes:

Moz singing Gilbert & Sullivan would be freaking fantastic. Download an mp3 of "When the night wind howls" if you don't believe me. They are hilarious and artistic, as well as perfect for Morrissey's voice.
I hear he is going to change his name into a symbol!!!

I can see it now...The Artist Formerly Known As Morrissey!

Or better yet, he may add his first name and drop the "N"...Steve Morrissey!
...or he can become a rap artist and go by the name Stevey P. (short for Stevey Da Pimp)! ;)
...or he can become a rap artist and go by the name Stevey P. (short for Stevey Da Pimp)! ;)
But I thought he had already done that?

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