Morrissey interview in Esquire (Poland)

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Anybody know how he doing now??
think like any stroke victim surviving the first thirty days is the worst,but hes still with us.hes 65 now good bit older than Morrissey,and vegan said he was begging on the internet,bollocks,he doesn't have a computer or a television.
think like any stroke victim surviving the first thirty days is the worst,but hes still with us.hes 65 now good bit older than Morrissey,and vegan said he was begging on the internet,bollocks,he doesn't have a computer or a television.
I wish he got on the net so he could see us talking about him and supporting him :(
think like any stroke victim surviving the first thirty days is the worst,but hes still with us.hes 65 now good bit older than Morrissey,and vegan said he was begging on the internet,bollocks,he doesn't have a computer or a television.

Vegan's a troll though and will do anything for attention - shows what a c*** he truly is though, to come out with a comment like that about a very ill man.
Vegan's a troll though and will do anything for attention - shows what a c*** he truly is though, to come out with a comment like that about a very ill man.


Why beg for quids on the internet when you got your WONDERFUL UK HEALTH Service....I dont see why there would be a need to try to glom money off the internet. This was 5 years ago, did he make it thru:confused::rolleyes:
Did he survive? Did the handouts save him?:handsopen:
Do you know him personally? He was/is a difficult and moody person by his own admission, but I guess people do love to romanticise famous people.
I'm going off interviews I've seen and read about him. I don't know him. Anymore than I know Moz. He's hardly famous, now is he? If you don't think Moz threw him away like a used tissue then I'm wasting my breath, or the pads of my fingers typing this.
I know very well how I got my note wrong. Good times!
I think for Vini it was also a great honour to be working with Moz and being involved with a nr 1 record. It’s just that SS came up with al the ideas and therefore got the writing credits.
So in the end Vini was ‘just’ a session musician while career-wise and sound-wise he should have been much more.
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I'm going off interviews I've seen and read about him. I don't know him. Anymore than I know Moz. He's hardly famous, now is he? If you don't think Moz threw him away like a used tissue then I'm wasting my breath, or the pads of my fingers typing this.

Didn’t morrissey split with both of them over the whole credits argument
Poland is a very, very white “keeping immigrants out” roman catholic country.

They must LOVE Morrissey over there.
Poland is a very, very white “keeping immigrants out” roman catholic country.

They must LOVE Morrissey over there.

And that LOVE is MUTUAL: I remember one interview at the time of WPINOYB in which Morrissey admitted to be quite fascinated by Poland.
Poland is a very, very white “keeping immigrants out” roman catholic country.

They must LOVE Morrissey over there.
The whitest place on earth and white folk from all over the world are flocking to the place for a bit of a breather.

Unfair that when I say a thing like that I don't get world wide headlines but since Moz tends to steal from me that is a gift from me to him. Open your mouth Moz!
Poland is a very, very white “keeping immigrants out” roman catholic country.

They must LOVE Morrissey over there.

My country is a roman catholic country (we even have a pope now) and it's loaded with immigrants. So, please, don't identify one thing with another because it's just the contrary of what you say. Your religious intolerance is bigger than your knowledge and your brains.

:handpointup: And this numbers fall very short because there are a lot of undocumented immigrants that no one chases or hunts. Why? Because this is a roman catholic country.
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My country is a roman catholic country (we even have a pope now) and it's loaded with immigrants. So, please, don't identify one thing with another because it's just the contrary of what you say. Your religious intolerance is bigger than your knowledge and your brains.

:handpointup: And this numbers fall very short because there are a lot of undocumented immigrants that no one chases or hunts. Why? Because this is a roman catholic country.
That's correct and Poland is Poland and your country another. I don't think polish people mingle much with people other than their own and they are mostly quiet and hard working. The national sport is speedway and their best riders always came to Eskilstuna through the years to race for the local club and still do.
You always see polish workers whenever there is a big construction going on and they always shop their food and things at Lidl.
I'll never forget what a woman from Hungary told me about our muslim colleague over 10 years ago. The muslim woman hired this polish man to turn her house into a palace like home with all kinds of weird things in the style that some or most muslims like.
Anyway, the summer came and the polish man working in her home went home on holiday in his little sailing boat but on his return the boat capsized and he nearly died if not for the quick intervention of the coast guards.
On his return he got a slap around the ear and a telling off for being late.
Now this was not some BS story cause the woman was muslim and the hungarian woman was her friend and I always got on with her at work as well and she even took her veil off and showed her hair at a work party simply cause she was a widow and she immediately looked a lot younger.
Poland is a very, very white “keeping immigrants out” roman catholic country.

They must LOVE Morrissey over there.

They keep the Islam out and are not visited by explosions and terrorism. Very simple. They dont have to do mental exercises about one Muslim blowing up a building being OK because some other Muslims have yet to blow up one up. When they do, then we write a Chezz :tears:like apology for them too, that type of nonsense doesnt play well over there.:straightface:
So they live happy and with no worries.:rock:

From my calculations here, over half or the UK is on assistance and many different types of handouts.
Whats holding Vini back from all this free money?:straightface:
Fantastic that he shares my respect for Public Enemy who are still the only ones worth a mention when it comes to the genre. I remember me going on about them on here and in the chatroom in the past and posting a video now and then.
Morrissey, I know you follow everything I do, politically and everything else but maybe it is time to form your own opinion on things?


If you're that Ali, brit moz look alike guy KY used to hang around with around 2011, then some do think he is coping you.
The time line fits one minute KY is with you with his Public Enemy and Bruce Lee posts next minute Moz is quoting Public Enemy and has a Bruce Lee backdrop.

Whatever, he says he 'still listens to public Enemy' but never mentioned it befure. He used to say he didn't like music just the attitude, there are numerous interviews and quotes which show he didn't listen to any hip hop. The fact he can't name anyone else is a give away. Plus Public Enemy are the ones lots of whites like I'd be more impressed if he was dropping DMX
The problem with taking this sort of mathematical/statistical approach, is it isn't granular; it's sweeping. But it has the veneer of authenticity. It doesn't reflect the experience of individuals. A city may not be overpopulated but small, often poor, areas of it are likely to be. It is the experience of these people (both indigenous and immigrant) that is detrimentally affected by poor (or poorly executed) immigration policy. This is where the ill-feeling and tension arises. If it is not addressed and those local people who are suffering are simply shown a graph and accused of racism, the tension increases. In the UK, immigrants are a net contributor to the Exchequer. Which is fantastic. But it doesn't help the individual who is experiencing anxiety or difficulty as a result of immigration in their immediate environment.

I'm pro-immigration. But I'm also keen to respect and address the concerns of native people. Surely, we should all be striving to achieve a positive immigration experience.
Oh, enough. The most diverse places don't have these issues. This phobia is occurring mostly in places that are homogeneous. It's just classic racial resentment presented by mostly uneducated people whose identities are wrapped up in petty mythologies about themselves. It's not complex.

They are not experiencing sweeping demographic changes in their own neighborhoods. Besides, change occurs, populations move in, and some of them don't hold your values. You don't own the future.

You are free to move. Brexit is not going to do anything to change demographics, or immigration. It was sold to the plebs as the solution, but that was just cynical marketing. Once they realize nothing is going change in that regard, they will move on to their next self-defeating big idea.

The world has been through this before, and it always ends the same way. People are not complex, they are base, and easily defined. Fear is not an excuse. It's just being used a rationalization for a racial, and cultural resentment that was always there.

But as someone else said, as an American, I almost get a cruel satisfaction from watching England cripple itself. It has been America's lapdog since the end of WWII, and now it will be even more dependent on it. It's just trading dependencies. England already has privileged trade status with America. It can't get much sweeter.

I think that's what it mostly comes down to. England's national self-image is so tattered that it's now resorting to what you saw happen in Germany pre-Hitler. Hitler used nationalism to prick savage tendencies that gave him even more power to create his own agenda, and the public went along with anything he devised after that point; as long as he told them how great they were. They took a single issue, and traded in all others for the pleasure of scapegoating their failures.

Virulent nationalism is almost always a response to a society's low self opinion in an ever changing world. Somebody else must pay for making us feel small.

Stop trying to spice it with a sense of virtue, and reasonable anxiety. There is nothing reasonable about it. Most people didn't even bother to examine the details. It was a temper tantrum.
Poland has always had a soft spot for Nazi chic, and retrograde attitudes in Europe.

It has a reputation.

But hey, it's Poland. Being Poland is punishment enough. They can stay in the basement.
My country is a roman catholic country (we even have a pope now) and it's loaded with immigrants. So, please, don't identify one thing with another because it's just the contrary of what you say. Your religious intolerance is bigger than your knowledge and your brains.

:handpointup: And this numbers fall very short because there are a lot of undocumented immigrants that no one chases or hunts. Why? Because this is a roman catholic country.
Let's be honest, Christianity was based on racism. It was its core philosophy for most of its history. Non Christian cultures; especially brown ones were fallen creations who needed to be converted, or enslaved. Only in the past thirty to fifty years has this not been absolutely accepted by the various Christian sects, and that's because laws changed, so marketing had to as well.

The Catholic Church also played an immoral role during the Holocaust.

Certainly Catholics have not been as bad as Protestants when it comes to preserving that bigotry in modern times. We can agree on that, but it's still Poland with a dark history that seems to have been cycling back around again recently.

If you breed intolerance, you will get it back. How does it feel?

It's always different when it happens to you.
That's correct and Poland is Poland and your country another. I don't think polish people mingle much with people other than their own and they are mostly quiet and hard working. The national sport is speedway and their best riders always came to Eskilstuna through the years to race for the local club and still do.
You always see polish workers whenever there is a big construction going on and they always shop their food and things at Lidl.
"Quiet, and hardworking" has now become a politically correct way of saying "ignorant, and bigoted."
this is morrissey info

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