Morrissey: Racism and bigotry masquerading as animal welfare - Love Music Hate Racism

Morrissey: Racism and bigotry masquerading as animal welfare - Love Music Hate Racism
"Morrissey has jumped from the gutter into the sewer with his latest racist outbursts, which single out Muslims, Jews and Black and Asian politicians.


Echoing fascist and ultra nationalist parties in Europe, the singer has called for Halal and Kosher meat to be banned and dumped abuse on shadow home secretary Diane Abbott and on London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan.
According to Morrissey, “halal slaughter requires certification that can only be given by supporters of Isis”, a process which he describes as “evil” and which should be banned. He also calls for the outlawing of Jewish kosher meat preparation, which he says is “very cruel”.
The message is barely coded. From the Nazi BNP and EDL in Britain to Marine Le Pen’s Front National in France to Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban’s anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-migrant election campaign last month, calls to ban Halal and Kosher meat have acted as a dog whistle for their Nazi followers."

..."We will be organising gigs and educational events in towns and cities across the country, to shut up bigots like Morrissey and his racist friends."

Thought the article was worth including after reading that (the last quote, not the excerpt) :)



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Shortly after the nightclub massacre in Florida I was invited to attend a Ramadan meal (it’s a Holy meal shared with parishioners after fasting all day) at a mosque with a friend’s group who represented a gay church in Orange County. They reached out to the gay church online and asked them to join them as a peace offering. They were very loving and accepting of us as a group, showed us around, invited us to their tables. I’m still in contact with a few of the Muslims who reached out to us because they liked Ru Paul or whatever and had no gay outlet in their lives. Muslims are extremely peaceful people and kept reiterating that they abhor extremism as much as we do. I wish Morrissey would stop making these blanket foolish statements.

Everyone is just trying to get through their day.
We've said it before the silent majority need to do more and we all kinda knew all that but it won't stop the extremism. Islam is full of people who read their holy book any way that suits them.

Muslims and islam is not the problem. It's the few that use it for their dirty work that need to be dealt with.
Have we uncovered this Johnny riggers character yet? Who is he? What publication doe he write for?

Would it at all bother the die-hard fans if this person wasn't real, or not even a journalist of any type?

This is getting weird.
Are you slow? Riggers is Morrissey. Just like Ann Coats.
What are you on about? "He sound like a posh hillbilly now, and, well, ordinary." Are you prejudiced against hillbillies? Or just posh ones? And if posh hillbillies are ordinary what are ordinary hillbillies? Extraordinary?
Americans never liked one another for the simple reason they do not originate from America. This means they will never get along other when their food and gas is under threat.

USA is the best example how diversity failed and it is also something as weird as a capitalist marxist country made up by a host of states that share nothing in common with one another.

It is run by jews cause americans love their jews.
I'm not going to link, but if you want to look, you have Infowars, Breitbart, Paul Joseph Watson, Tommy Robinson, and various Nazi forums praising Morrissey. Sure, you may not think he's racist, but he's got an awful lot of racist fans, and that's indisputable.

I have to say that now his career is coming to a close, now he's got all your money, he's reverting to type. How does it feel that you were cheated?

He does not have all of my money you toothless pest. You're not a very deep thinker and so this is going to be lost on you but your insistence that Morrissey is all about money is a reflection of your own perspective. He is much too self-destructive for the goal to be money. For the hundredth time he is a troll.
Your outrage and the tantrums you throw about his latest idiotic remarks are what he feeds on.
And you've spent hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours moderating a website dedicated to him, and if that wasn't bad enough it's a site run by people he hates.

You have no place to stand and tut about "he got all your money." He took your time.
I agree with you that his remarks are indefensible. But as much as you might think you're somehow shutting him down you aren't. You are promoting him.
Do you think he regrets these latest remarks or cares what you think about them?
This is isn't the first time. He's been doing it for a long time.
You don't understand his motivation but you should look at your own. What do you hope to gain or recover?
So the cactus doesn't want any either?

That's exactly what I was wondering. What did a prickly pear cactus do to deserve to meet this fate? I am a man of the desert (actually I am.) It seems as though you might be a ractus...that is racist against cacti. I will consult Mother Nature and get back to you. ;)
From the iceage to the dole age there is but one concern
and I have just discovered
cactus is eaten by latinos
some latinos mothers are preparing cactus steaks for the others
So summer 2018 is the perfect time to wear a Morrissey t-shirt. Not done that in ages. Last time I wore one it had the Interesting Drug cover on it.

Shortly after the nightclub massacre in Florida I was invited to attend a Ramadan meal (it’s a Holy meal shared with parishioners after fasting all day) at a mosque with a friend’s group who represented a gay church in Orange County. They reached out to the gay church online and asked them to join them as a peace offering. They were very loving and accepting of us as a group, showed us around, invited us to their tables. I’m still in contact with a few of the Muslims who reached out to us because they liked Ru Paul or whatever and had no gay outlet in their lives. Muslims are extremely peaceful people and kept reiterating that they abhor extremism as much as we do. I wish Morrissey would stop making these blanket foolish statements.

Everyone is just trying to get through their day.

"The gunman was identified as 29-year-old Omar Mateen... he was raised as a Muslim". (Wickipedia)

His 49 victims were "just trying to get through their day".
To try and distill all of this down. What does it mean to be "English"? I will start with what it means to be an American. From the beginning when Europeans arrived and mixed with the natives we were never a pure race. Then the introduction of slavery and later immigrants from all over the world being added to the mix made us a melting pot and set us on a new course.

It took over two hundred years and we are still working as a nation to come to grips with this. The addition of Muslims from the East and Mexicans from the South are once again testing us, but I am an optimist. I choose to see the good in people because then I am only disappointed 1% of the time.

To say something like England for the English could never be equated to America for the Americans. Yet, we are in the same place today. All the talk on most of these posts is about racism, but polarization in my mind serves as an equal injustice to the greater good.

Morrissey may not be a racist, but his statements are extremely polarizing and that also brings nothing to the greater good. You don't have to love thy neighbor, but understanding, empathy and compassion are a good start on the path to bringing England if not the whole world together. The longest journey starts with the first step, and if we want to arrive at a place where we all can live together in peace than it is better that the first step be taken forward rather than backward. I don't think he has learned this yet.
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Shortly after the nightclub massacre in Florida I was invited to attend a Ramadan meal (it’s a Holy meal shared with parishioners after fasting all day) at a mosque with a friend’s group who represented a gay church in Orange County. They reached out to the gay church online and asked them to join them as a peace offering. They were very loving and accepting of us as a group, showed us around, invited us to their tables. I’m still in contact with a few of the Muslims who reached out to us because they liked Ru Paul or whatever and had no gay outlet in their lives. Muslims are extremely peaceful people and kept reiterating that they abhor extremism as much as we do. I wish Morrissey would stop making these blanket foolish statements.

Everyone is just trying to get through their day.
Some house sitters are bigger than others!

Interpret that as you may!
What are you on about? "He sound like a posh hillbilly now, and, well, ordinary." Are you prejudiced against hillbillies? Or just posh ones? And if posh hillbillies are ordinary what are ordinary hillbillies? Extraordinary?

Think nouveau riche, and you'll understand what I mean by posh hillbilly. Morrissey has always managed to pose as someone others see as intelligent while not actually being all that intelligent.

He's a creative guy who is not well educated, and it starts to bleed through when he feels the most uninhibited.

He's susceptible to racial, and ethnic demagoguery, and buys into conspiracies that validate his personal biases. This is very common among hillbillies who are on the right, which is most.

Hillbillies are prejudiced against hillbillies.
"The gunman was identified as 29-year-old Omar Mateen... he was raised as a Muslim". (Wickipedia)

His 49 victims were "just trying to get through their day".
What does that have to do with the vast majority of Muslims?

This is exactly why people call you bigots. No distinctions.

Where's the outrage for white males, who commit the vast majority of terrorism in the U.S. Why aren't we profiling, and marginalizing white men?

A group of guys were recently charged with plotting to blow up a mosque. Where's the fear mongering?

When it comes to terrorism, you have more to fear from a disgruntled white guy in America than you do anyone else. It's a fact, yet you want to focus on Muslim extremists because of you're tribal rage. Attack the perceived outsiders.

When you start to show equal concern with these other terrorists who, in fact, are more common than Islamic terrorists, then I'll take you seriously. Until then, you will be called what you are: A filthy bigot who deserves to be marginalized.
What does that have to do with the vast majority of Muslims?

This is exactly why people call you bigots. No distinctions.

Where's the outrage for white males, who commit the vast majority of terrorism in the U.S. Why aren't we profiling, and marginalizing white men?

A group of guys were recently charged with plotting to blow up a mosque. Where's the fear mongering?

When it comes to terrorism, you have more to fear from a disgruntled white guy in America than you do anyone else. It's a fact, yet you want to focus on Muslim extremists because of you're tribal rage. Attack the perceived outsiders.

When you start to show equal concern with these other terrorists who, in fact, are more common than Islamic terrorists, then I'll take you seriously. Until then, you will be called what you are: A filthy bigot who deserves to be marginalized.


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