Morrissey today...


Under the ground
If Morrissey was growing up now which bands do you think he would like?
Just a wonder....I'm bored alright!x
there is no any sort of "ifs" with Moz/
Great question!

It's easy to say he'd like the same stuff he liked as a kid in the Sixties, assuming he had access to older albums. We'd all like to think he'd spend his money at the local used record shop, or perhaps downloading older MP3s, and ending up with the usual suspects: Dolls, Patti Smith, etc.

But for me the fun of the question is to wonder what sort of pop music he'd like as a child, and that the charts, radio, and music distributors worked roughly the same way as they did in the Sixties and early Seventies.

Now, if you start with the assumption that Morrissey would be swept away at a young age, as he was with Marianne Faithfull's "Come And Stay With Me", it's important to start with a birth date. I read the question as Morrissey being, say, sixteen clumsy and shy in 2006, making him about six in 1996.

Based on a quick survey of the UK pop charts in 1996, I conclude that his first (CD) single, his "Come And Stay With Me", the one that would set him on a path to becoming a great pop singer, could only really be...Celine Dion, The Fugees (i.e. Lauryn Hill), or The Spice Girls.

Given this, what sort of teenage tastes would Morrissey cultivate? What would he like now?

I submit our Young Morrissey would be a confident, out, iPod loving, sartorially impeccable gay teenager with a highly popular literary blog.

He would not, in other words, be Morrissey.

He is a rare flower that could only have bloomed in the soil of a certain time and place in pop music history.

But still, it's wonderful to contemplate-- what would a person who loves pop singers as much as Morrissey did in his youth do in an age like this one?

(Okay, suicide isn't an option.)
I thought Morrissey growing up today would be so wrong!
I mean look at my generation.They dont even have to leave their rooms to find their Marrs!
Thanks for answering that,make me feel better about being 17..can you imagine?!
We can all be very grateful he didn't grow up nowadays.xx
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