Moz at 40 - a possible epitaph???



Anyone wonder if the probable upcoming North American tour could be Morrisseys last full tour??

He's into his 40's now, and seems to be rather tired/bored of the whole industry.

Imagine that. He completes this tour, then fades into total obscurity (instead of the nearly total he occupies now!).

Maybe Moz will turn back to writing, or to film/television.

The possibilities are endless.

But, just in case this is the end of his musical line, better make sure to get your tickets fast.
> Of course it's going to be his last tour. Of course of course of¿ course! Bye Moz. It was nice knowing you.

I was under the impression that Maladjusted was his last. It sounded very final. Glad that it is not.
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