My Mum was very upset and angry she said I should "leave the young man Rourke alone"

Re: "leave the young man Andy Rourke and his girlfriend alone" my Mum said to me.
Re: My Mum said I had betrayed my family enough and upset poor Andy/Heather enough!!!
Re: I love my Mum, I cryed a lot and bought my Mum a big bunch of flowers because of all the upset.
Re: I was really embarased when my family read my messages on here and on Andy
Re: Andy Rourke doesn't know about this and has never met my Mum.

My Mum got upset and thought I hated her. I had to make it up to her. I love my Mum. And I don't ever try to upset my family it was sad that they read my posts. I am ashamed about it all.
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