My son sings Youngest was the most loved


Junior Member
Well chuffed ! My 5 year old son Calum has started singing along when the child chorus kicks in . 'There is no such thing in life as normal'.
Do you think Morrissey could have him accompany him on T.OT.P. :D

Anybody elses sprogs sing-a-longa Moz ?
Brain-washing the kids?

My 8-yr old girl sings several - TIAL, FOTG, YHKM + America to name but 4. My 5-yr old is also trying to catch her up with a few. Nothing unique about this, I know, but it's entertaining for us all, nevertheless.

I sometimes feel I'm brain-washing them a bit, but the eldest does ask me to put mozzer on. What can you do, other than feed the demand...?

Mike C
Mine's a sing-along too - it gives me great satisfaction that at almost three, she already know's there is no such thing as normal :p

You've gotta ask though .... what kind of effect will this have ....:eek:
Current Morrissey Mini-Pops faves here are: 1.First of the Gang(think it's the chorus that gets them) 2.How Soon Is Now?(opening line) 3.You Have Killed Me 4.I Will See You (opening line again again). 5. I'll never be anybody's hero now (probably because it's my favourite).
I'd love to do what that guy did recently at a concert (Grimsby, was it?) and take my kids to a gig by The Great Man.
Sorry but i find it quite twisted when kids sing these songs, and especially if the parents have pushed them into doing so
To hear a child sing "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" is worse, and they are surrounded by crap like this on a daily basis through tv shows, radio etc.
gasmeter said:
Well chuffed ! My 5 year old son Calum has started singing along when the child chorus kicks in . 'There is no such thing in life as normal'.
Do you think Morrissey could have him accompany him on T.OT.P. :D

Anybody elses sprogs sing-a-longa Moz ?

My 5 year old daughter does a full performance of FOTGTD, and my 3 year old son knows most of it. You have killed me is there favourite from the new album, and I've often heard my 3 year old singing it away to himself when he's playing. My daughter also loves having the "last night I dreamt" pillowcase. They'll both shout with excitment if we see a picture of Moz on a magazine -"Look daddy- Morrissey, Morrissey!". I wonder if I'm doing the right thing sometimes- then again I knew most of the White Album off by heart by the time I was 8 or 9.
Just look around you at the gigs though. There are plenty of people there with young kids, and a few with teenage kids who have become big fans in there own right. I suppose good taste in music isn't a bad thing to pass down to your kids at the end of day.
Right with you. I recently sat through my friend's ten-year-old grand-daughter's rendition (with accompanying suggestive dance) of that Black-Eyed-Peas thing about the lovely-lady-lumps. My own daughter's sitting here now, working out YHKM on the guitar. I know which worries me the most.
Please said:
Sorry but i find it quite twisted when kids sing these songs, and especially if the parents have pushed them into doing so


Hmmmm, when the music is good, they like it, they join in and we're all happy.

Except you. Shame really.
My 4 year old son, Alex, is really into the latest album but previously loved "Don't Make Fun Of Daddy's Voice" because he thought it was about me!

His faves on "ROTT" are:
  • "At Last I Am Born" (he thinks it's about babies!)
  • "The Youngest Was The Most Loved"
  • "In The Future When All's Well"
He doesn't like:
  • "You Have Killed Me" (due to the title) but I did find him singing "I entered nothing and nothing entered me" the other day; which is good to know cause he's a bit young really for all that yet!
  • "Father Who Must Be Killed" as he thinks Moz wants to kill ME!!
I think it's great and for the small number of detractors on this subject, it is often my son who will request I put Moz on - not me strapping him into his chair demanding he listens to it.

Someone posted about taking your kid along, Alex has been pleading with me to go when I told him I would be seeing Moz - he has asked me to ask Moz if he will sing a Power Rangers song. He's a little sweetie!

What I have found, as a result of him taking an interest in Morrisseey is that he know listens to the words in songs more than he used to so that can't be a bad thing can it?
Mad Vespa said:

Hmmmm, when the music is good, they like it, they join in and we're all happy.

Except you. Shame really.

Its just a little thing i have, i don;t think theres any harm in it but i do find it strange, especially when the parents are Morrissey fans. Seems like some sort of infiltration, and who knows they may grow up and complain about there parents making them listen to Morrissey.
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