New Balls Please: The Case Of The Missing Balls - Peter Katsis via Morrissey Official FB

New Balls Please
The Case of the Missing Balls

- By P. Katsis

Ho Hum……..another boring day, another boring story in The Guardian about Morrissey.

How long ago was that comment about Mr Robinson? More than a month ago?

And The Guardian are still writing about it?

Must be sad for the editors to know they need to write about Morrissey in order to have anyone buy or read their shit paper.

Must be even more disappointing for them that the event they helped back in Manchester on Sunday night was a complete failure.

No one attended.

Bottom line is Morrissey doesn’t need Mr Lee, or The Guardian, for anything.

He is still doing quite fine, even in the UK.

At this point The Guardian could not be more predictable. More insignificant to the music audience. I did not think that possible to be honest.

Most folks know The Guardian has had it out for M for years now.

And most folks realize that when the Guardian prints a headline saying Former Morrissey fans plan an anti-racist rally, …..
that nobody involved with planning the rally was an ex-Morrissey fan.

The Guardian is but one thing.

Where are the music writers who actually have balls? Are there any contrarians left out there?

Anyone that appreciates that an artist actually has any opinions at all?

Or still writes socially conscious lyrics in his music?

We all hate Trump over here, but I’d like to think we are not all mindless idiots with the same cookie-cutter opinions on every subject.

Since when do the N.M.E. and Noisey agree with The Guardian about anything?

Where has the “Underground" gone?

Plus let’s face it…...

Despite what you think of his political opinions, has anyone known Morrissey to have actually committed a crime?

Or even been accused of committing any crimes?

Do you really think he backs everything that Tommy Robinson believes? Or just his thoughts on Immigration?

When he talks about The Chinese being a sub-species, is he really talking about the Chinese people??

Or is he more than likely making reference to the Chinese government and their unforgivable treatment of animals?

When he starts a comment off by declaring that he hates rape, and hates to hear that anyone has to deal with abuse…..

is he really backing up Kevin Spacey like every headline posted???

Or was he saying it was unlikely that particular 14 year old didn’t suspect what he was getting into by going to that room?

By making any commentary, does Morrissey deserve the same treatment by the press as Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, R Kelly, or Brand New?

People that have actually been accused rape and abuse?

So why does he get included with all of them? Because his opinions deserve that inclusion? Give me a break.

How come there is never a voice raised to point out the obvious?

Because the bottom line is it’s always a better headline when an editor hand picks the parts of the comment that implies the worst.

Certainly controversy has always been king, but never so much as it is now in this “click bait” world that we live in.

Controversy pays off big. So who are we kidding? It’s clear these editors have their agenda set. Pure capitalism.

And if you are a “Has-Been Haslam” type, and you have a book coming out, then….. why not take a shot?

The press will cover it and you’ll get some attention you can’t get any other way.

Smarter people are hopefully not fooled by that kind of crap, but…..some people only read the headlines, and…...

...what’s sad is if folks read enough of those headlines they almost become fact in the ether of today’s version of “the truth”.

Of course I have to admit I’m just a Yank so I can’t even pretend to be an expert on the UK press or British politics.

Although it certainly appeared to be a very interesting day in politics in London yesterday.

The world is a mess right now. Plenty of liberals have mixed opinions for the first time.

And certainly in this age of political correctness and #metoo it would be best to say nothing.

But from this outsiders view, and what no one seems willing to say, is that the UK press seems to have lost their balls somewhere.

Has anyone seen them? - PK

Save the messenger shooting please.

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How come Sweden didn't hold all of these people back?

Looks like it was just poor Urbanus that Sweden has been holding back, the poor bastard is in a slump while every other f***er pulls their socks up and gets on with it.
When some doors are shut you open new ones!
I met two old lefties 2 weeks ago and they were still bitter and twisted and haven't had any fun in life and was going on about things that they felt were wrong 28 years ago.
That is how they and you work!
They only held those back that did not agree with them as in any kind of dictator state but they lost and things moved on and now they have nowhere to run just like you.
My life was far better than for any of those socialists cause unlike them I had brains but was also able to have fun and not remain bitter and twisted like them.
Life is so easy for me since many years back and it's not because of socialism but my own way of planning my life which is something someone like you could never do living from cradle to grave out of the hands of others.
You can post reply after reply but haven't yet answered me why you are not funding a migrant.

You sound a bit bitter about it all and still being unhappy about things that you were unhappy about 28 years ago.

Do you know what I think is living a successful life? Living it on your terms and being happy with that. Some people think it's wrong to be content with what you've got but I don't, as long as what you've got is good.
You sound a bit bitter about it all and still being unhappy about things that you were unhappy about 28 years ago.

Do you know what I think is living a successful life? Living it on your terms and being happy with that. Some people think it's wrong to be content with what you've got but I don't, as long as what you've got is good.

Some poor souls are such slaves to their egos that they'd rather be forever aggrieved, with their deluded narrative of their own superiority, they'd be emperor of the universe if it wasn't for all the bastards holding them back.
You sound a bit bitter about it all and still being unhappy about things that you were unhappy about 28 years ago.

Do you know what I think is living a successful life? Living it on your terms and being happy with that. Some people think it's wrong to be content with what you've got but I don't, as long as what you've got is good.

You even come across bitter when you talk about things that should not include those things. You are yet to tell us why you won't fund what you believe in when you can starting right now.

You have been found out and is deflecting like mad waving arms and hands about like that silly Bruce Lee on speed.
Some poor souls are such slaves to their egos that they'd rather be forever aggrieved, with their deluded narrative of their own superiority, they'd be emperor of the universe if it wasn't for all the bastards holding them back.
Thanks for summing Charlie and yourself up and why are you people even here cause this is a nazi website saluting our leader MorriSSey.
How come Sweden didn't hold all of these people back?

Looks like it was just poor Urbanus that Sweden has been holding back, the poor bastard is in a slump while every other f***er pulls their socks up and gets on with it.
Socialists never worked a day in their lives and found all kinds of way to skip work and that was the whole point of socialism as you know. The only people that made countries a success were the self employed who came up with ideas the socialists were envy of.
The fact that you can see if someone is a socialist or not by just looking at them has to do with bad genes. That is why the boys and girls of the self employed became gorgeous and lived in homes they paid for themselves.
Poor old Urbanus is having a mini nazi breakdown. Get somebody to give you a cuddle, life isn't so bad.
How many posts now without an answer if you will fund a migrant or not?

I have never seen anyone made a fool of himself or herself like you have.

OT, Eskilstuna restaurants attacked today:



The man that killed migrants cause he simply refused to house and feed them.
Yeah, it isn't like we all don't pay taxes for housing any people in our country who are in need. With us being communist and all.

WtF? 'it ISN'T like we ALL DON'T pay taxes for housing ANY people in our country.....etc etc" HOLY FLOCK CHEZZ are you Wali Todd Fard??:crazy:
Send them to Scotland or Belfast there's loads of room up there and they are so much kinder than us as Nicola Sturgeon keeps telling us
Yeah, it isn't like we all don't pay taxes for housing any people in our country who are in need. With us being communist and all.
Still no answer!

12 Slack needs to realise it wasn't a country holding people back, people like himself back then, but a system. But the sad part for those socialists trying to hold people back was that they failed at doing just that which is why 28 years later those socialists are still bitter about things the rest of us put behind us long ago until they reminded us and we realised socialists are nothing but bitter losers.

They hate individual freedom and how the f*** 12 slack can work for something he is against is beyond me but the again he was subjected to a hormone rush in his moms belly and look what he turned out to be, confused about everything in life and a career will never change that in the eyes of the normal people.
Still no answer!

12 Slack needs to realise it wasn't a country holding people back, people like himself back then, but a system. But the sad part for those socialists trying to hold people back was that they failed at doing just that which is why 28 years later those socialists are still bitter about things the rest of us put behind us long ago until they reminded us and we realised socialists are nothing but bitter losers.

They hate individual freedom and how the f*** 12 slack can work for something he is against is beyond me but the again he was subjected to a hormone rush in his moms belly and look what he turned out to be, confused about everything in life and a career will never change that in the eyes of the normal people.

Remind me how you won at life again?
Remind me how you won at life again?
By enjoying it and getting a lot of experience surrounding myself with positive people. The usual manual for success and happiness.

You are gonna set a new world record at replying without giving me an answer.
Remind me how you won at life again?
It's far worse that people on a whole are held back than just yourself. All those people that started their own business who had to fight Palme and his henchmen from the union and so on but struggled on and got there in the end. I watched a few those close by and admire them to this day.
12 slack has no idea that what he does for a living is based on entrepreneurs and those self employed business owners and without him he'd have no career to speak of.
I believe he just turned blind cause of his pride related political views which is why his colleagues simply have to bully him into shape so kudos to them or else the market would have crashed ages ago but in October little 12 slack will clear his desk out and his greek house and garden will be worth less than a drop of Ouzo and he will end up in a council house in Åmål selling pizza for a living.
Hang in there mate!
He DIDN'T win at life, remember? He lost, cos of the bastard foreigns.
I was the only winner of the 2007/2008 recession and I am still reaping the rewards of it. Since I don't have to work I don't have to mingle with foreigners unlike you.
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