New bass player in Hannover

Re: New bass player

Anyone else think JULIAN is the one leaking?

Uh oh!
Does this mean that we have to start reading anonymous posts more closely. I don't want to do that!
Maybe, just maybe Solomon still jas some flu/stomach problems? And this new bass player is merely a stand-in?

My guess would be no, based on the inside scoop that was posted yesterday hours before the show. The same person who said that there would be a new band member replacing one of the Walker Bros. also said he was definitely gone for a serious reason and would not be coming back.
Blood is thicker than water. Time for the other Walker to high tail it back to the Chi'. Now if only Jesse were to be caught doing something the Moz deems inexcusable. A girl can dream ...
Re: New bass player

I can't imagine dating morrissey. It must be constant drama and door slamming.

Q: who sings "my life is opera, opera.............." ?

Well, Art-Hound, there was your answer.
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