Overweight giant attacks London...thousands killed!



(Reuters)- A scene of overwhelming misery and despair now dominates the landscapes of one of the worlds most famous cities. Smoke and sobs rise to the clouds while mothers search for lost sons and daughters.

It began as a normal day in the city famous for it's longevity and defiance in the face of time and war. People were on their way to and fro, the throngs of tourists marvelling at the ancient cathedrals and towers when "she" struck.

"It was a bit like an earthquake..." said Scott Johnson, a local businessman whose four-story apartment building had been demolished by one of the beasts buttocks. "...Only there was this horrible smell that turn the air afoul." he then fell to his knees and broke into tears.

" I used to be an atheist...but now having seen one of Satans' own minions I will be at church every Sunday from here forth" cried a constable who had fired at the creature only to infuriate it further. Many buildings which have stood for centuries are now rubble and the wildlife in the area have not returned since the attack.

There was only one thing that seemed to motivate the unholy creation, and it made it's demands in a low rumbling sound which could only be understood as " MORE PIE" and the occasional " MMMM...HAM." from butcher shop to processing plant the monster went to and fro devouring cattle, and anything else that fit the creatures notion of "edible". The toll of damages to the city have far exceeded 100 billion pounds.

Indeed there are still car-sized "crumbs" , and pond-like reservoirs of drool that litter the streets. Then, just like a storm or some other force of nature the creature made it's way toward the ocean and disappeared under the waves.

City authorites are now looking to Japan ( a country which has been savagely attacked many times by gargantuans) for a way to either destroy or disable the beast in case it returns.

Tony Blair has asked U.S. President George Bush for aid in this time of crisis. The President Replied at a press conference by saying, "Make no mistake....the peaceful countries of the world will not tolerate acts of senseless over-eating, or other acts of terrorism by this monster....make no mistake...make no mistake ...make no mistake. He was then quoted as saying this is evidence that terror cells are active on Monster Island and there is a link that exists between Al Qaeda, N.Korea and Monster Island and that the Koreans, Islamic militants and Fire-brething giants are developing weapons of mass destruction

In Pre-Emptive stike the combined forces of the U.S. and Great Britian took a break from killing innocent women and children of denfenseless impoverished nations and have targeted the tiny Island off the coast of Japan.

Godzilla, the "King of Monsters" has decried the violence and says his tiny country is prepared war. He has also denied that he is making weapons of mass destruction and said he has no affliation with any terrors cells or the creature known as "Mindy".

Mecha-Godzilla could not be reached for comment.
that's funny. i had hopes that by giantess standards, i'd be considered slim.
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