Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I'm too cold to sleep tonight. I put the heat on 20 minutes ago and I'm still too cold. I don't feel like bundling up.

Other complaints are:
1 my phone's apps stopped working and I had to do a factory reset
2 my camera fidgets
3 my new tablet doesn't play YouTube playlists well

Looking at my complaints, I see things aren't too bad after all. Still I'm annoyed.
I'm having a phased return back to work. A few hours a day for the first few weeks. Gradually building up to my normal working hours. I don't care what people say. I don't care if people think I'm lazy. I know I'm not. I know how drained I feel when I've tried to cope with work. I'm not the kind of person who tries to duck their responsibilities. I absolutely want to be part of society and I want to work. I've managed to do it for over 30 years. I'm no slacker. I don't mind a days work. But there are times when my anxiety overwhelms me. Because I don't show it, though, I'm considered mendacious and conniving, whereas I'm not. I'm just trying to struggle through. I have no other agenda than trying to cope. Nothing more than that. I don't have the luxury of meaning ill to anyone else or planning their downfall. Leave that to other people. My focus is on getting through. I've no time for causing harm to others.
All you need is a hug from your old politi abs you’ll be fine.
Dear Dale. Do you realise that Psychopath and Narcissist are the new go to words. There are loads of other words the masses have hijacked I could mention. In my day it was called being interesting. Don’t sweat it love.
Cute, but to be frank he looks a little traumatised.
No he doesn't! He looks very earnest, like he needs to impart some home truths to certain so - lowers RIGHT NOW. <3
I’m not bothering commenting on here again. The thick moderators block my comment. Bores.
None of your comments were 'blocked', they just weren't processed at a speed you'd have liked - something you'll have to deal with I'm afraid.
Feel free to dig around the forums for the explanation as to why that happens.
Poor Dale. With you as the psychiatric gatekeeper and nightwatchman, he can barely type three posts before you’re shoving him back into a dark closet already.
Well, you've probably heard enough of me talking about being a psychopath. Despite that. I'm not to be trusted. I'm not a nice person. You'd do well to stay away. I don't know how to love anyone but myself.
I think you are a nice person. You have great empathy for others. You seem unhappy, troubled, and broken in some ways. What was your childhood like? I wonder if you were abused or bullied? I can see why you love Morrissey and his music he gets you through your tough days and nights.
The flat's a pigsty again. I'm not very good at living in a messy place. I must believe in reincarnation because I couldn't dream of vacating this world and leaving a mess behind. People would be saying 'well, he was a nice enough chap, but look at the state of his oven' I want to get the flat respectable again, because if I do find myself without a job, I imagine it will mean opening up to people like my landlord and benefits agencies and family members and there will no doubt be the requirement of home visits. I'd feel a lot more relaxed if I could get the place clean and tidy in case there comes a point where I have to give in and let people in. Also, while I was working from home before my current episode of illness, my mind felt addled by all the mess that surrounded me. I can see why the Chinese believe in feng shui.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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