Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Got my ticket!!! And oh my gosh, it is SO sunny today!!! I hope Neil will be here to enjoy the nice weather!!!!:hearteyes:
I don't know what time sound check is supposed to take place! I walked past the venue a thousand times, no sign of any life. It's cold and rainy today so finally i had to come back to my hotel room to eat bretzls and get warm. May go back out again later once I get warmed up. Boy am I glad I brought a change of shoes.
I don't know what time sound check is supposed to take place! I walked past the venue a thousand times, no sign of any life. It's cold and rainy today so finally i had to come back to my hotel room to eat bretzls and get warm. May go back out again later once I get warmed up. Boy am I glad I brought a change of shoes.

Strange, no activity of loading in, etc hours before the show(?) Though in my last post I did wonder if they were there a day earlier to sort it out. But still there should be people about. Did you find a back door?
Should I go look again, ket?! I just had a long hot bath and got nice and warm but I'll go look again if you think i should! Only for neil!!
Well 1230 is too early, though there should have been people loading in equipment. Well I don’t know the situation, it’s really your call and what’s important to you that will help you make those decisions. Good luck. And don’t pay attention to those around you, trust me, you’ll enjoy the show more.Have fun :)
Well 1230 is too early, though there should have been people loading in equipment. Well I don’t know the situation, it’s really your call and what’s important to you that will help you make those decisions. Good luck. And don’t pay attention to those around you, trust me, you’ll enjoy the show more.Have fun :)
Okay I'm going back out again now! I have a cough and everything :(
Okay I walked past there again at 3:30 and then at 4:30. Nothing. Sure got wet though. Also managed to spill coffee all down my side when struggling to open my umbrella which is a bit bent due to my probably having hit something with it at some point. What a miserable day. I bet neil is all nice and warm and dry in a pub somewhere. That's it, tomorrow I'm staying inside all day eating red velvet cake and watching Dr Phil cause I don't care about nothin' no more! :(
I got to touch sexybrett!!!!!! Could've done it more than once too cause he kept coming over my way (I think he wants me) but I wasn't into it. Im not that kind of girl! Finally I relented and touched his back. Good God was he sweaty. Prefer if it had been neil.

SPEAKING OF NEIL!!!!! I was in the second row and made sure to position myself on what i know to be neils side and as such i had a perfect unobstructed view of the precious little beauty himself, sitting there looking JUST like a pre-raphaelite with the most lustrous locks ever, and i can say FOR A FACT that he is EVEN MORE beautiful and precious in real life.

Manic street preachers seem pretty cool. Great stage presence. I liked the tall one with the cool long legged moves and the little he/she.

Other than that it was sordid affair with people rubbing up against me all night. The things I put up with to ogle neil for a bit <3

Y'all wanna see my millions of pictures of dreamyneil?!?

Well here's one for now:


This is basically how i looked all night toooooooo. Aw neil makes me laugh <3

And sexybrett and his cheekbones. Geesh, have you ever seen cheekbones like that?! If you were falling off a cliff you could grab onto his cheekbones to save yourself

I got to touch sexybrett!!!!!! Could've done it more than once too cause he kept coming over my way (I think he wants me) but I wasn't into it. Im not that kind of girl! Finally I relented and touched his back. Good God was he sweaty. Prefer if it had been neil.

SPEAKING OF NEIL!!!!! I was in the second row and made sure to position myself on what i know to be neils side and as such i had a perfect unobstructed view of the precious little beauty himself, sitting there looking JUST like a pre-raphaelite with the most lustrous locks ever, and i can say FOR A FACT that he is EVEN MORE beautiful and precious in real life.

Manic street preachers seem pretty cool. Great stage presence. I liked the tall one with the cool long legged moves and the little he/she.

Other than that it was sordid affair with people rubbing up against me all night. The things I put up with to ogle neil for a bit <3

Y'all wanna see my millions of pictures of dreamyneil?!?

Well here's one for now:

View attachment 85550

This is basically how i looked all night toooooooo. Aw neil makes me laugh <3

And sexybrett and his cheekbones. Geesh, have you ever seen cheekbones like that?! If you were falling off a cliff you could grab onto his cheekbones to save yourself

View attachment 85551

Fabulous, rifke! Great photos!!! :hearteyes:

They do have some of the best cheekbones in popular music!

That was a good set list, from both suede and the Manics. They played The Drowners and the Manics played Motorcycle Emptiness!!!

God, I SO wish I could have been there. Really good to see that the two bands that meant so much to me in the 90s are still going strong. Glad you enjoyed it!
Kemetology Egypt is Greek it's TRUE name was Kemet meaning black land :tiphat:bit of trivia 🙏🏼👍🏼
Kemetology Egypt is Greek it's TRUE name was Kemet meaning black land :tiphat:bit of trivia 🙏🏼👍🏼

Unsure of your meaning here, Sandy Jay. Are you a believer in the "Egyptians were black" theory? It is supposed, by some, that the nose of the Sphinx at Giza was broken off by Berbers or Arabs because with the nose intact, the cast of the face was Nubian.
Unsure of your meaning here, Sandy Jay. Are you a believer in the "Egyptians were black" theory? It is supposed, by some, that the nose of the Sphinx at Giza was broken off by Berbers or Arabs because with the nose intact, the cast of the face was Nubian.Ye
Unsure of your meaning here, Sandy Jay. Are you a believer in the "Egyptians were black" theory? It is supposed, by some, that the nose of the Sphinx at Giza was broken off by Berbers or Arabs because with the nose intact, the cast of the face was Nubian.
Yes these people still exist today although not in the media and its Africa after all 🤔👍🏼
Yes these people still exist today although not in the media and its Africa after all.
Yes noses shot by napoleon I nearly put nonces 🤣 spellcheckerdoh:
Were the ancient Egyptians black? I think the more immediate question is whether a middle-aged English keyboardist would be likely to visit a King Tut museum exhibit while bored on a tour stop in Vancouver.
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We’re the ancient Egyptians black? I think the more immediate question is whether a middle-aged English keyboardist would be likely to visit a King Tut museum exhibit while bored on a tour stop in Vancouver.
Indeed they were at least at 1st until Arab etc invasions but middle aged person why not have a look about sounds nice and nerdy educational very me aha 🤔 :highfive:
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