Queen Elizabeth II has died, Buckingham Palace announces - BBC (September 8, 2022)

didnt even know mavis had died,always liked her interviewing style.
mavis is a very britiash name,was going to say i cant see an american being called mavis but surprise surprise jay lenos wife is actually called mavis nicholson.
Mavis ... kinda reminds me of Joan Bakewell, and Kirsty Walk.
Highly intelligent women.
Women to be very proud about 😎
Hi Ketz.

The UK media show stuff about communist nations as if it’s something fundamentally different. I think it’s fundamentally the same.
Communist nations?

Such as where and what films?

You think the uk is currently similar in its domestic policy and treatment of its citizens and human rights as China and North Korea?

If it was you wouldn’t be writing what you write right now because it wouldn’t be possible or you would disappear.
so is morrissey gonna weigh in on this or not ? gettin pretty bored tbh......please liven up the discourse , steve !
“Such a spike in plays”?

What was the spike? There are no figures on the graph. That could have been 1 play or 10,000 plays.
That's why I posted the link so you could look up the figures for yourself. But I'll help you:
September 7th: 17.184 plays
September 8th: 45.653 plays
That's why I posted the link so you could look up the figures for yourself. But I'll help you:
September 7th: 17.184 plays
September 8th: 45.653 plays
So minuscule on a globally accessible steaming platform then.
Do f*** off the lot of you

Not everything is about the singer you like

Please don't be a dick about the death of an old lady who's done her best for the country. Please don't
Thank god shes dead. THE QUEEN IS DEAD!!! EAT THE MONARCHY!!!
is that sarcasm? and what films?
When Kim Jong-il died in 2011, British TV covered the state funeral. There was a focus on the mourners, particularly those crying, and the reporting heavily suggested that the apparent hysteria was an effect of communist duress, and even brainwashing.

Jump forward to now, and similar representations in the UK are described as if a lip trembling meltdown is the most rational and reasonable response imaginable.

Moreover, in the ‘free’ UK the details of the ascension was agreed behind closed doors without public scrutiny by men in dark suits—who had (in look and manner) a striking resemblance to those the UK media lampoons, when they appear in North Korea or China.
Communist nations?

Such as where and what films?

You think the uk is currently similar in its domestic policy and treatment of its citizens and human rights as China and North Korea?

If it was you wouldn’t be writing what you write right now because it wouldn’t be possible or you would disappear.
Disappear, a bit like Julian Assange and Jogtar Johal?
Numbers are a language, can't you read? Numbers are a language, can anybody read?
I can assure you I understand numbers and for a global streaming platform those numbers are tiny. You should compare them to something else that is current to get an idea of how minuscule those numbers are in terms of steaming daily figures.
When Kim Jong-il died in 2011, British TV covered the state funeral. There was a focus on the mourners, particularly those crying, and the reporting heavily suggested that the apparent hysteria was an effect of communist duress, and even brainwashing.

Jump forward to now, and similar representations in the UK are described as if a lip trembling meltdown is the most rational and reasonable response imaginable.

Moreover, in the ‘free’ UK the details of the ascension was agreed behind closed doors without public scrutiny by men in dark suits—who had (in look and manner) a striking resemblance to those the UK media lampoons, when they appear in North Korea or China.
You do come out with some strange statements.

So do you think the people turning up on the streets and being interviewed and expected to queue for 30 hours to file past a coffin are doing it because they are under duress?

The plans for the accession are part of the constitution and are openly available for all to see and were planned by members of the government and the royal household etc. nothing is that secret. They fact they were put together by ministerial consent means they are essentially decided on by people voted on by the people. That is how democracy works.
That's why I posted the link so you could look up the figures for yourself. But I'll help you:
September 7th: 17.184 plays
September 8th: 45.653 plays

Crikey! definitely a jump in numbers. But, does it count when most of those were from Morrissey?
Disappear, a bit like Julian Assange and Jogtar Johal?
More conspiracy theories. You must have a very troubled mind.

In North Korea people don’t even have access to the global internet. They have access o a domestic internet service. They have radio stations and tv stations that are government controlled and largely comprise of adoration channels for the leader.

It is illegal to possess a short wave radio to pick up radio and news channels from outside of the country. TV sets are distributed by the government and come tuned and sealed with a serious criminal conviction if the tv is found to have been tampered with.

Journalists only get a job if they have gone on intensive ideology training and after a 15 year probation period.

Any writing anywhere that criticises the state or shows the state off in a bad light is a serious offence of treason and can result on a life prisonment.

There are approx 2000 ip addresses North Korea in use which shows how restricted access to the internet is.

In past 6year the government has provided an android based tablet that has been modified with internal security modifications. Any app that is opened is automatically screenshot and monitored and all internet access is audited.

Similar to here?
I can assure you I understand numbers and for a global streaming platform those numbers are tiny. You should compare them to something else that is current to get an idea of how minuscule those numbers are in terms of steaming daily figures.
Last.fm isn't a streaming platform and it's not about absolute numbers but the relative increase of plays on this day.
Last.fm isn't a streaming platform and it's not about absolute numbers but the relative increase of plays on this day.
People stream on last.fm so semantics what you want to call it.

If you look at the trending tunes today the same figures are in double digit millions so 45k is really not a lot. I suspect a large number of those would be people who have seen it mentioned in a paper and clicked to hear what it’s all about . I doubt smiths fans would need to stream the tune. Anyone it’s really not that important or interesting. We all know what the song is. Sex Pistols has been streaming quite high.
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