Shirt? Which would you rather?


New Member
Ok. So I make silkscreens. I like t-shirts. I find that most Morrissey shirts out there aren't what I'm looking for.

So I made 2 images which I like....and would like to silkscreen. Which do you prefer? I like them equally, so!!!!



I don't think I would feel comfortable having a mans nipple on my shirt... so the first one :D
if it had to be one of those two, then the first one wins...
second one
They're both nice. But definitely the first one. Definitely. The nipple is just too... well, it's a perfect circle! Strange.
I would change the words though. By that I mean: the font AND what it says.
lol what's so wrong with the writing!?!?! i really like the quote. maybe the positioning?

I used to have this as a colour t-shirt... so go for that one!

The second one would look better on the back of a jacket or something.

I don't wear white socks
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