The girl who ruined my life



[Personal information removed]
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seeing jenny's posts on this messageboard have provided you with a great opportunity to keep your mouth shut. you could have boosted your own self-esteem with the knowledge that you're the bigger person by treating jenny better than she allegedly treated you. instead, now we all know that not only are you a cuckold, but you're a big jerk too! besides, jenny hasn't posted in i don't know how long and i'm sure she doesn't care what a bunch of people on the net think of her anyway, so your posts are pointless!

p.s. love how you got that plug in for your band! that was slick.
Re: uh....


My band is not together so it wasn't a plug. Further, that fact that you showed no empathy to my situation shows that it doesn't matter what you think. The reason I posted that was because I was in a fit of emotion and it has since passed. There was no 'allegedly' in that post. It was all real. Lastly, the reason why I posted here was because I saw some posts where she was asking some guy to email her because 'he might be the one' at the same time that she was trying to get back together with me. I was basically trying to warn him so he doesn't get HPV like I have risked getting in my stupidity. I understand that your response was expected, especially since you are a girl. If I were a girl and her a guy I bet you would have a different response.

grow up

no actually, if you were a girl and posted all that stuff, i'd still think you were sad. seriously, you sound like a whiney pathetic teenager. posting stuff about ex-lovers on messageboards is not how mature adults deal with relationship woes. here's a novel idea: why don't you leave jenny alone, change your phone number and MOVE ON.
Re: grow up


I agree with that. I have since met people who did that and are much better off. My mistake.

I will mention though that I don't think you understand the severity of the situation and nor could you because you haven't lived it. I did try to change my phone number and move on. She called me constantly, once she even called me 26 times in one day at my workplace. I almost got fired. I had to have the receptionist block all calls to me so that I didn't get ANY calls. I couldn't change that number. I had to accept her calls. She came by my house once and sat in the snow for hours trying to get me to open my door... I tried VERY hard to keep her away from me.

My only point is that if you were there and saw the whole situation I am sure you would take a different viewpoint... but really who cares. I don't even know you or care. I still think it is cool that I got to spill my guts here. Life is too short and we all end up in a box.

Further, I can list many songs where Morrissey took out his frustration on those who have treated him badly, not on a message board, but on a cd with thousands of listeners...

Ha ha... this is going to go on and on until one of us gives up.

It's over now. I should not have posted that original post. It was a jab into the dark in a moment of weakness. Oh well. What is done is done.
what the?

> [Personal information removed]

I dont know if anyone told you this, but it is very bad taste to air ones dirty laundry in public.....doing it on a morrissey web site, geezs what the hell are you thinking?
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She sounds crazy dude. I would just stay FAR away from her. If you see her, turn around and run the other way, FAST.
Re: what the?

It is bad taste to air one's dirty laundry in public, unless you are Morrissey, then it is good taste.

Yeah, whatever. His personal life is ALL OVER THE PLACE in his lyrics and he has cut down quite a few REAL people in his time on his songs.

People can be such hypocrites.
Re: what the?

last time i checked, moz didn't exactly name names. you may have known who he was talking about in his songs, but he doesn't come right out and say "mike joyce is a f***ing c***." he may do so in interviews, but hey, that's because SOMEBODY ASKS HIM. nobody asked you.
Re: what the?

> last time i checked, moz didn't exactly name names. you may have known who
> he was talking about in his songs, but he doesn't come right out and say
> "mike joyce is a f***ing c***." he may do so in interviews, but
> hey, that's because SOMEBODY ASKS HIM. nobody asked you.

that should be the name of his next single. "Mike Joyce is a f***ing c***"...wonder if that'll get on Top Of The Pops?
Re: what the?

mike joyce is a f***ing c***, and andy rourke is a stupid li'l runt!
Re: what the?

> mike joyce is a f***ing c***, and andy rourke is a stupid li'l runt!

hey there is a reason all of the smiths music says right at the f***ing top "words and music by morrissey and marr". they ran the show, wrote the music and made those two dim-witts play it. the claim to fame those two(joyce and rourke) would like to have?the truth is the fame they may have had during the stint with the smiths was manufatured by morrissey and marr....they just rode along.
Re: what the?

> mike joyce is a f***ing c***, and andy rourke is a stupid li'l runt!

yeah boyeeeee. Moz could rap it in a gangster style. "Mike Joyce is a c***, and Andy Rourke is a stupid li'l runt, beeeeee-itch."
Re: grow up


what's your problem. Leave the guy alone. what's your motive... you're getting on my nerves. This guy comes on here... obviously upset, and you're saying all this stuff. The internet is a strange place.

hey dan-
I want to talk to you because were going through the same thing...
please write me-
here's my email address
[email protected]
I don't care to talk on this stupid message board....
I know your pain....
please write!
Re: what the?

> I dont know if anyone told you this, but it is very bad taste to air ones
> dirty laundry in public.....doing it on a morrissey web site, geezs what
> the hell are you thinking?

I don't blame Dan for posting! If she did all these things to him then she deserves to have this happen to her. She is an evil human being and he probably just saved you from getting involved with her. You should thank him.

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