The Green Mile



I watched that film tonight for about the fourth time but it's still a tear jerker.
> I watched that film tonight for about the fourth time but it's still a
> tear jerker.

Good grief, I struggled getting through it once. What is it - three hours?
Disappointing after Shawshank.
> Good grief, I struggled getting through it once. What is it - three hours?
> Disappointing after Shawshank.

oh no don't say that it was fantastic, i watched it to, but its never made me cry...well not that i would know if it was making me cry anymore than i already am, its hard to gauge.
> Good grief, I struggled getting through it once. What is it - three hours?
> Disappointing after Shawshank.

Shawshank was excellent but in my opinion not one minute of the three hours spared on The Green Mile was wasted.

Give it another try.

It's all about the story of life from the beginning, Jesus and all.

The acting was superb.
> oh no don't say that it was fantastic, i watched it to, but its never made
> me cry...well not that i would know if it was making me cry anymore than i
> already am, its hard to gauge.

It is a fantastic film and I'm sure it did make you cry, you just hate to admit you cry more than ten times a day. I don't (hate to admit that is)

peace to all.
> oh no don't say that it was fantastic, i watched it to, but its never made
> me cry...well not that i would know if it was making me cry anymore than i
> already am, its hard to gauge.

Well I almost cried at that film where Madonna was playing baseball, so I'm usually susceptible, but I'm afraid I just wanted the Green Mile to end.

I wouldn't want anyone to think I approved of the execution of innocent, mentally sub-normal black people who may be angels, or anything.
> I wouldn't want anyone to think I approved of the execution of innocent,
> mentally sub-normal black people who may be angels, or anything.

no nor would i.
> Shawshank was excellent but in my opinion not one minute of the three
> hours spared on The Green Mile was wasted.

> Give it another try.

> It's all about the story of life from the beginning, Jesus and all.

> The acting was superb.

No sorry, that's three hours I shall spend doing something else.

Am I right in thinking that you have praised "Midnight Run" on here before? I could easily watch that a few more times.
> Well I almost cried at that film where Madonna was playing baseball, so
> I'm usually susceptible, but I'm afraid I just wanted the Green Mile to
> end.

> I wouldn't want anyone to think I approved of the execution of innocent,
> mentally sub-normal black people who may be angels, or anything.

He wasn't an "angel" he was "Jesus" he performed miracles. Well that's where the writer was coming from.

Anyway I'm not only speaking of him, I cried when that sadistic prison guard stood on "Mr Jangles", the French prisoners pet mouse. Also, when the same sadistic guard never wetted the sponge and caused the same French guy to literally fry in front of their eyes.

I know it's fiction but, it relates to real life when we still persue the death penalty.

Sorry to bore you, I just find many films emotional.

Three hours well spent in thought.
> No sorry, that's three hours I shall spend doing something else.

> Am I right in thinking that you have praised "Midnight Run" on
> here before? I could easily watch that a few more times.

I did indeed praise Midnight Run.

What a memory you have.

Yes I could watch that three times more too. Please give Green Mile another trial run is worth the effort.
> I did indeed praise Midnight Run.

> What a memory you have.

> Yes I could watch that three times more too. Please give Green Mile
> another trial run is worth the effort.

Who knows, perhaps I will see it again in a far off place.

I think I could be seeing "The Lion, Witch & Wardrobe" this week so am getting my allegory fix.
Fix it well, before you presume. Many fixtures where never fixed in the first place.
Re: Fix it well, before you presume. Many fixtures where never fixed in the first place.
Good old ABC

> I watched that film tonight for about the fourth time but it's still a
> tear jerker.

they've got that movie and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in constant rotation.

i still like it. it's one of the few palatable Stephen King movies out there.
Re: the green mile....

ah, this film is one of my faves! yes, superb acting.

the book was great, too. didn't quite get the science of the healing thing....and why little black moth things?!
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